
Sins, repentance and forgiveness Q603 :If a person committed too many sins, including some of the cardinal ones such as stealing, cheating, gambling, & adultery, will he ever be forgiven by God? If he wants to become a good person, what compensations he has to make? A603 : What would stop him from being forgiven?…

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Sins and consequences Q602 :Could you please give some examples of cardinal sins in Islam. I had thought that actions could have only one of several rulings. Some people say that some sins are more serious than others. Could you please explain. A602 : There are five verdicts which could be pronounced on most things…

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Singing Q601 :I intend to study medicine in a European or American university, but I also have a strong desire to become a heavy metal singer or a pop singer. As I am a Muslim, I will not sing in clubs or discotheques. Nor will I drink or get involved in any of the practices…

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Silk: Men wearing material similar to silk Q600 :In the north eastern part of our sub-continent, people wear a particular type of clothing in winter woven from the thread made out of cocoon of a worm called Endi. The process of obtaining the thread is the same as that of obtaining silk thread from the…

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Shortening the hair after Umrah Q599 :Many people do not shave their heads at the conclusion of Umrah. Is this permissible? If one wants to offer more than one Umrah, how could he shave? A599 : It is sufficient to shorten one’s hair, or even to shorten a few hairs in order to fulfill the…

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Shortening prayers when only weekends spent at home Q598 :I have recently moved to Makkah where I found a new job. My family which includes my parents, brother and sister still live in Jeddah. I go to see them on weekends and holidays. When I do, I pray normally, but when I am in Makkah…

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Shiites and Sunnis Q597 :What are the differences between the two sects Shias and Sunnis? A597 : Linguistically speaking, the term Shia means followers or supporters. In a historical context, it means the supporters of Ali ibn Abu Talib, the Prophet’s cousin, who became the fourth ruler of the Muslim state. When he took over,…

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Shares and debentures: Income from Q596 :Companies normally issue to the public shares and debentures, with the aim of collecting funds to be invested in these companies and industries. When a person buys a number of these shares and debentures, he is an owner of a portion of the assets of the relevant company or…

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Shaking hands with women Q595 :Is it true that the Prophet never shook hands with a woman? A595 : It is true, according to authentic reports, that the Prophet never shook hands with any woman who was not his wife or a close relative. I should add that I have not seen any Hadith which…

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Shaheed: Calling martyr or shaheed Q594 :A man was killed because he was a Muslim. He was not fighting for Islam. Does he receive any reward from Allah. Do we call him a martyr or shaheed? A594 : It is up to Allah to decide whether he rewards such a person or not. He alone…

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