
Shab-e-Mairaaj & Shab-e-Qadr: Different dates in lunar calendar Q593 :Lunar dates do not tally in different countries. This results in confusion over such important occasions as the night of power and the one on which we celebrate the Prophet’s night journey. As Muslims are keen to mark the night of power, and since it is…

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Separation and automatic divorce Q592 :After a marriage lasting only four months, a man was separated from his wife for one year, during which she gave birth to a baby girl. A year later, she wrote to him saying “According to the Shaf’ie law, a separation of husband and wife for one year means that…

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Selling what is forbidden Q591 :If you happen to own articles which are not permissible or desirable for Muslims to use, such as gold watches, silk clothes, valuable sculptures, video films, paintings, cameras, etc., is it permissible to sell them to non-Muslims? Should the price of such articles be given to charity? Furthermore, what should…

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Secrets from the past and revealing them Q590 :I am happily married and my husband showers on me his love and kindness. I consider my marriage to him an answer to all my past prayers. Still I am burdened with a secret from my past when I had a relationship with my cousin which was…

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School of thought: Sticking to only one Q589 :Every Muslim should follow the Prophet (peace be on him), but is it also necessary that every Muslim should follow one of the four schools of thought? If the answer is in the affirmative, how do we account for this considering that these schools of thought were…

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School of thought: Followed by the Religious Editor, Arab NEWS Q588 :Is it permissible for a person to follow any four schools of thought at any particular time? A588 : It is important to be certain of one’s grounds when one conducts his worship or his affairs. He must be sure of his source of…

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School of thought: Different views given by scholars Q587 :There are often different views given – each supported by scholars. Which one to follow? A587 : I am afraid I do not have a simple answer. The only way is to weight up the evidence supporting each view and choose the one which you consider…

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School of thought: Basic concept Q586 :What is the concept behind having four imams and four schools of thought. What is their status and importance in our religion? Back home, people tend to make a great deal of belonging to these four schools of thought. Sometimes loudspeakers in these mosques are misused. To me, the…

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Scholarly discretion in legislation [permissible or prohibited] Q585 :While discussing the question on smoking some time back you remarked that “everything is permissible unless there is cause to prohibit it. This is a basic principle which applies to food and drink in the same way as it applies to actions and practices.” However, more recently…

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Satan Q584 :Satan A584 : Both Satan and his allies are too weak to be feared by any believer who relies on his Lord and has His support. The only power to be feared is the one which can truly cause harm and benefit. That is Allah’s power, feared by those who believe in Allah.…

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