
Sadaqah Q583 :It is common knowledge that sadaqah is financial help given for Allah’s sake. Some people suggest that it is extended to include any friendly help. From the financial angle, how is sadaqah different from zakah. Please advise. A583 : The Arabic term “sadaqah” is one of a few to which Islam gives a…

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Sacrifice of a sheep when laying foundation of a house Q582 :Some people believe that a sacrifice of a sheep prior to laying the foundation of a house is necessary to protect the house and its inhabitants. Please comment. A582 : I know that the practice of slaughtering a sheep when one starts to erect…

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Sa’ie and jogging with a woman companion Q581 :If one is doing the sa’ie with a woman companion, his wife or mother, what should they do in the area where pilgrims are required to jog? Should the man not jog or should the woman jog in order to stay together. A581 : Jogging between the…

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Rulings: By the Religious Editor, Arab NEWS – the basis of Q580 :I find your answers highly convincing and illuminating, but there is rarely any evidence supporting them from the Qur’an and the Hadith. Please explain. A580 : I will tell you straightaway that anyone who gives religious opinion without relying on Qur’an or Hadith…

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Rukn: the basic definition of Q579 :Rukn: the basic definition of A579 : An action may be a rukn of an overall obligatory action. When it is omitted, the whole action is rendered invalid. We say, for example, that attendance at Arafat on the ninth day of Thul-Hajjah is a rukn of pilgrimage. If a…

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Rituals & directives Q578 :Rituals & directives A578 : Religious directives are complemented by practical steps which aim at shaping life in a certain fashion. If religion were to be confined to directives and rituals, then the directives will remain unimplemented. A complete way of life on the basis of religion is necessary to allow…

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Reward: Hereafter for non-Muslims leading a pious life Q577 :If a non-Muslim leads a pious life, would he be rewarded by admission into heaven in the hereafter? A577 : Islam states clearly that good actions merit reward from Allah if they are result of believing in Him. Without faith, any good action is deprived of…

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Reward: Hereafter for non-Muslims adhering to Islamic values Q576 :Some non-Muslims appear to appreciate Islamic values and principles. In practical life, they maintain good behavior and they are kind to others. They refrain from sinful and evil actions. Yet, they are not Muslims. The idea of converting to Islam does not appeal to them because…

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Reward: Fantastic rewards for simple worship Q575 :I read in a religious book a story which says that the Prophet once asked Ali, his cousin and son-in-law, to do five things before going to sleep every day. These were: to pay to charity 4000 dinars, to recite the whole of the Qur’an, to pay the…

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Reward for prayers in Haram and in the Prophet’s Mosque Q574 :I have read a Hadith which states that prayer in the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah is equal to one thousand prayers elsewhere, with the exception of the Haram in Makkah. It is also stated that prayer in the Haram in Makkah is equal to…

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