
Return of sold goods Q573 :I sold an article to an acquaintance having received half of the price and agreed to spread the remainder over two months. She was unable to pay after the first month, and after the second month she wanted to return the article because she was going back home. She gave…

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Respect: Three types of respect Q572 :In an argument I recently had with my brother concerning the celebrations of anniversaries of scholars and religious people, he pointed out that in our language we distinguish in three different types of respect. The first is that which we offer to Allah. This is plain worship and Allah…

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Respect: Bowing down as a show of respect Q571 :You have commented that the way we show our respect to parents, bowing down before them, is un-Islamic. Can we not compare this practice with the bowing down of the angels in front of Adam, or the prostration of Prophet Yusuf’s brothers and parents? A571 :…

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Repentance: When death is certain Q570 :What is meant by sakarat? Will a person who has reached this stage still have a chance to repent of his sins? If so, will his repentance be accepted? What about a person sentenced to death for a crime he has committed? Will his repentance be accepted if he…

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Repentance: How can one be forgiven? Q569 :I came to work in Saudi Arabia a few years ago when I was over forty. In addition to having a worthwhile job I have had the benefit of having a new approach to life. I am a much better Muslim now. Previously, I did not attend regularly…

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Repentance and forgiveness Q568 :After 12 years of marriage, a woman told her husband that over the last couple of years, she has had relations with a man which stopped short of adultery. She pleaded for forgiveness and promised to be faithful to him. The husband felt that her repentance was sincere and that he…

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Renting house to banks Q567 :A nationalized bank in my hometown has offered to rent my house, but I am reluctant to accept, because of the activities the bank undertakes. I told my family members who have questioned me that to support usurious practices is like waging a war against Allah. Are we not, however,…

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Reluctant to become a Muslim – the “do’s” & “don’ts” Q566 :I am a Christian who practices her religion at home and maintains good conduct, although I rarely go to church. I believe in the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ and that he was a true messenger of God, but I do not believe that…

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Religious scholars: Unnecessary interference Q565 :Most of those who have a religious standing have only scanty knowledge of politics, economy, business, science, industry, law, defense, etc. Why do they, then, want to interfere in each and everything? Their interference creates a hindrance to the advancement of the Muslim nations. Should they not confine themselves to…

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Religion : Inherited beliefs and new persuasion Q564 :As Muslims, we believe that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last messenger Allah sent to mankind and that the Islamic message is the final one from Allah. As such, it is the faith all mankind should follow. The problem is the followers of…

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