
Prayers: Two congregations in a mosque Q493 :In a mosque in our town, the followers of the Hanafi and Shaf’ie sects offer their prayers in two congregations, which are held separately but simultaneously, following two imams. Is this allowed? A493 : This is an ugly aspect of ignorance which must be stopped altogether. When a…

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Prayers: Towards Ka’aba – started by Jews or by Muslims? Q492 :Before the conquest of Makkah, Muslims used to pray toward Jerusalem and the Jews toward the Kaaba. Why did not Muslims start this earlier? A492 : Your statement about the change in the direction Muslims face in prayer is inaccurate. When the Prophet received…

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Prayers: Time range and the prayer called “Qazai Umri” Q491 :Could you please clarify if there is a prayer called “Qazai Umri”? In India, this is strongly recommended by people after obligatory prayers. It is a collection of the obligatory prayers of one whole day. People claim that this makes up for the prayers which…

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Prayers: Sitting position during the prayers Q490 :Is there any regulation about how to stand in congregational prayer? People also sit in different positions during prayer. What is the right one? A490 : All positions which people use when they sit during prayer are permissible. However, it is recommended in the last sitting of a…

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Prayers: Shorter prayers during travel Q489 :Is it obligatory to shorten ones prayers during travel? A489 : A traveller is strongly recommended to shorten his Dhur, Asr and Isha prayers to two raka’ahs each, because this is in line with what the Prophet has taught us. We do it not because prayers become a burden…

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Prayers: Short or long prayers Q488 :Some people offer their prayers short, reciting only a short surah or a small number of Qur’anic verses, so that they can offer more raka’ahs in voluntary prayers. Others prefer to read longer passages of the Qur’an and they offer less in voluntary prayers, but perhaps spend the same…

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Prayers: Purity of clothes Q487 :As a doctor, I often have to attend cases of childbirth when it is sometimes very difficult to avoid some drops of the fluid discharged by the patient falling on my clothes. When it is prayer time, can I still offer my prayers wearing the same clothes, since I cannot…

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Prayers: Punishment for not praying? Q486 :In a program on prayer broadcast in our country a religious teacher said that if a person does not pray five times daily for three consecutive days, he may be executed. Please comment. A486 : The suggestion you have quoted is preposterous. To suggest that a person who does…

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Prayers: Offering only obligatory prayers & the time range Q485 :Could you please comment on the practices of people who are lax with their Sunnah prayers in conjunction with their obligatory ones. Some people offer only two rak’ahs of Sunnah with the obligatory two rak’ahs of Friday prayer. What I have learned is that one…

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Prayers: Offered especially for one’s needs Q484 :Is there a special prayer or supplication which one may offer for the accomplishment of a purpose which one needs badly. A484 : If you badly need something to be accomplished, then the advice given by the Prophet in an authentic Hadith that you do a good ablution,…

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