
Prayers: Offered at mosque or home Q483 :There is a mosque in the compound where we live, but some people prefer to offer their obligatory prayer in their rooms. Is their prayer valid? On the other hand, there are three mosques near our working site. Nevertheless, employees gather to have their congregational prayer on site,…

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Prayers: Missed by mistake Q482 :A woman started having a blood discharge and thought it was menses, which was totally unexpected. She stopped offering prayers. Subsequently it was confirmed that the discharge was not from menstruation. Therefore, she took a bath and continued with her normal prayers. What does she do about the prayers she…

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Prayers: Interrupting prayer Q481 :In what situation is it permissible to abandon or interrupt prayer? A481 : In normal circumstances, there is no situation which allows a worshipper to cut short his prayer or abandon it before he finishes it. Even if one finds himself facing a snake or a wild animal while praying, he…

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Prayers: Greeting the mosque Q480 :It is said that when the imam delivers his sermon on Friday, all activity must come to a halt. What about a late comer offering two rak’ahs by way of greeting the mosque? A480 : Scholars take different views on this particular question with one school of thought making a…

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Prayers: Forgetfulness in prayer Q479 :Once I was leading a congregation in Maghrib prayer but I omitted to recite loudly in the first two rak’ahs through forgetfulness. When I had finished, one of these who prayed with me said that we should have offered two prostrations for forgetfulness, otherwise our prayer was invalid. Please comment.…

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Prayers: Facing grave Q478 :You have pointed out that it is not acceptable that a person faces a grave when he prays. In Prophet’s Mosque, part of the congregation faces the Prophet’s grave. How is this allowed? A478 : It is correct that it is forbidden to face a grave during a prayer. It is…

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Prayers: Delayed [Qaz’a] Q477 :Due to very heavy work load, I miss my prayers during the day and offer all my prayers in the evening. I call athan and iqamah for each prayer. Please comment. A477 : Allah describes prayer in the Qur’an as a “time-related duty” which He has made obligatory to the believers.…

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Prayers: Delayed and the acceptable reasons for delay Q476 :If one discovers on waking up that he has had a wet dream, but time is too short to allow taking a shower before sunrise, what should he do? A476 : In such a case, when one wakes up a few minutes before sunrise, he should…

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Prayers: Covering head Q475 :Followers of the Hanafi school of thought argue that because the Prophet and his companions always covered their head in prayer, anyone who does not follow their example would go astray. Please comment. Is there any authentic Hadith to support the view that covering one’s head in prayer is necessary? A475…

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Prayers: Covering ankles Q474 :If there is a Hadith which requires men to expose there ankles, is there any need for more clarification by scholars? My friends argue that rulings are needed only on those situations which are not mentioned in the Qur’an or the Hadith. A474 : It is true that when you have…

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