
Prayers: Correct direction of qiblah Q473 :It has been discovered in our country that the direction of the qiblah in many mosques was incorrect by a few degrees. An expert made it clear to people that they must amend their direction. Some people are confused and still maintain the old direction, while others have stopped…

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Prayers: Concentration in prayer Q472 :Although I attend to my prayers regularly, I am seldom able to concentrate properly. Often I have doubts about the activities and movements included in the prayer. What I would like to know is whether my prayer is valid. A472 : Every one who starts prayers should concentrate fully on…

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Prayers: Commandment making it obligatory Q471 :You have mentioned in the past that “we are commanded by Allah to offer five separate prayers everyday”. Could you please let me know where can I find this commandment? A471 : The order to attend to prayers is mentioned frequently in the Qur’an, either directly or in reference…

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Prayers: Combined in pilgrimage Q470 :What is the reason for joining two prayers on returning from Arafat? A470 : When the Prophet set out on his pilgrimage he was joined by no fewer than one hundred thousand of Muslims who wanted to do the pilgrimage with him. As he started, he said to them: “Learn…

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Prayers: Changing places after a congregational prayer Q469 :Why do people change their places after a congregational prayer is over in a mosque in order to offer voluntary prayers? I personally prefer to stay in the same place. Is it acceptable? A469 : It is perfectly appropriate if you offer your voluntary prayer in the…

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Prayers: Ahead of time Q468 :As I am traveling to India, I believe that I will not be able to offer prayers during the journey. Please explain whether I can offer prayers before take off. If, for instance, my flight is at 2 p.m., can I offer Asr and Maghrib prayers at the same time…

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Prayers: A time-related duty Q467 :If a person does not offer Asr prayer until Maghrib has fallen due, should he offer Asr prayer after he has finished Maghrib as qadha? Some people say it is not necessary, because its time is over. Please explain. A467 : God describes prayer in the Qur’an as a “time-related…

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Prayers: Air Travel Q466 :If my flight starts before dawn prayer is called and continues till after sunrise, how do I pray Fajr. A466 : In this case of travel, you offer your Fajr prayer when it is due, while you are on board. Obviously, you cannot find enough space to offer your prayer in…

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Prayers: Advanced on a rainy day Q465 :Is there any tradition or Hadith concerning the advancing of Isha prayer so as to combine it with Maghrib on a rainy day? I have only seen this after I have come to work in Saudi Arabia. Please explain. A465 : As you are well aware, Islam is…

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Prayer & supplication: Must it be in Arabic? Q464 :Many of us speak little Arabic. Is it permissible to use one’s mother tongue in saying our supplication during various stages of prayer? A friend of mine says that all supplications during prayer must be in Arabic. I feel that the Prophet and his companions used…

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