
Practices common to other religions Q463 :Male circumcision was introduced long ago by Jews. Did the Jews also start the pilgrimage and fasting? A463 : We cannot say of any religious practices that it was started by the Jews or some other religions. All Divine faiths were revealed by Allah. They have the same message…

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Postmortem Q462 :According to Islam, the bodies of dead people must be buried. Doctors, however, prefer to take the dead bodies to the anatomy department in a medical college where students can learn about the various parts of the body. Please comment. A462 : A postmortem is permissible if it is conducted for the right…

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Pork: Prohibition of Q461 :Could you please explain why eating pork is forbidden. There are so many opinions, but can you provide a final answer? May I also ask whether breeding pigs is forbidden? A461 : Allah describes the Prophet Muhammad in the Qur’an as one who “makes lawful for them (i.e.his followers) all things…

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Poor with deceptive look Q460 :In reality, we are needy people, but our sense of honor prevents us from asking others for help, although helping the needy is a requirement of Islam. A460 : In the Qur’an, Allah praises those poor people who conduct themselves with honor giving the impression of being well off and…

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Polytheism creeping into people’s minds Q459 :I have read a Hadith which states that “polytheism may be more subtle among my nation than the movement of an ant on a black stone in the dark night.” Could you please comment on what is metaphorically expressed here. How to diagnose this? And how to purify oneself…

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Polygamy: Why is it permitted? Q458 :Why has polygamy been allowed in Islam? What is the punishment for illegal contact between a man and a woman? A458 : Polygamy has been permitted in Islam as a solution to social problems that may not have any other satisfactory solution. Take, for example, the case of a…

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Polygamy: Unacceptable second marriage Q457 :Can a man marry a second wife in order to punish his first wife for her disobedience and failure to fulfil her duties towards him ? A457 : Islam provides a system which regulates family life as well as the life of the community as a whole. In every respect…

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Polygamy: Rights of wives Q456 :When a women learns of her husband intending a second marriage, is it permissible for her to tell him that he may not bring his second wife in her home and that he must provide a second accommodation for her. Can she say that even when her husband has only…

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Polygamy: Rectifying its abuse is a duty of the individual Q455 :When the legislation of polygamy was approved, it sought to curtail that practice in Arabia, but Muslims these days have come to abuse this facility, sticking to its letter and ignoring the spirit. Could you please explain what the Islamic authorities should do to…

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Polygamy: Not a Sunnah! Q454 :May I refer to one of your replies that polygamy cannot be considered a Sunnah of the Prophet. I feel that you should have clarified a few points particularly on the definition of Sunnah. To my mind, Sunnah includes any act performed by the Prophet as it includes what he…

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