
Prohibition: Gradual prohibition of intoxicants Q453 :Was liquor permissible to drink in an early stage of Islamic history? If yes, why was it forbidden later. A453 : Islam did not start by legalizing alcoholic drinks and changed its mind later. It simply approached the matter in the only way that brings the desired results: to…

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Poets: Description of poets in the Qur’an Q452 :Is it permissible to read literary works such as novels, plays, short stories, poems, etc.? The subject matter of such works may be fictitious. If you say it is permissible, how can we reconcile this permissibility with the description of poets in the Qur’an? A452 : Let…

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Plucking of hair of eyebrows Q451 :I heard from a friend that plucking of hair of eyebrows or facial hair is not allowed in Islam. May I ask whether it is prohibited or discouraged? A451 : Thinning eyebrows or changing their shape is forbidden in Islam. The Prophet has cursed the woman who does it…

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PLS Bank Accounts in Pakistan Q450 :PLS Bank Accounts in Pakistan A450 : I have not made any judgement on that [ the banking ] system as such. I have answered readers’ letters which spoke about certain accounts and transactions. Let me say clearly that I do not have sufficient information about the banking system…

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Pledges (made to Allah) and intentions Q449 :It is a practice that people make a solemn intention that they will do this or that if certain wishes of theirs are granted by Allah. Is this permissible in the first place? If so, how does it vary from asking Allah to fulfil for us certain favours,…

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Pledge: An obligation that must be honored Q448 :My wife made a pledge to God that she would fast for four days if I get a job in Saudi Arabia. Last year, her wish was granted and I began my job here in the Kingdom. Recently, she sent me a letter saying that because she…

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Pleasing parents Q447 :My parents disagreed on the choice of the girl whom I should marry. My father wanted me to marry his sister’s daughter, while my mother was determined that such a marriage does not take place. Later my father died with the dispute still going on between them. I did not marry because…

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Pilgrimage: Women in ihraam Q446 :I understand that a woman must not cover her face while she is in the state of consecration. On several occasions, while I was performing tawaf, I have been told by religious attendants around the Kaaba to cover my face. Please clarify. A446 : You are right. A woman who…

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Pilgrimage: With zakah money Q445 :Can pilgrimage be performed with zakah money? Many people back home ask for zakah funds to pay for their pilgrimage. A445 : One of the purposes of zakah funds is that mentioned under the heading “for the service of Allah’s cause,” which is included among the beneficiaries of zakah. Scholars…

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Pilgrimage: With company loan outstanding Q444 :Pilgrimage: With company loan outstanding A444 : If the Company gives loans for buying a car, it suggests that they they are pleased with your work and intend to retain you for a long time to come. That will make it easy for you to settle the loan by…

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