
Photography: Reliability of our views Q423 :You carried a long piece on “photography as mentioned in Hadith” in response to a reader seeking a ruling on whether photography is permissible or not. On a previous occasion, a friend mentioned that he did not hang pictures of family members on his wall at home, as it…

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Photography: Is it permitted in Islam? Q422 :I am often dismayed to see people wearing shirts and blouses which display images of birds, animals and even human beings. They even go inside a mosque to offer prayers. The other day, I felt greatly annoyed to see a man wearing a shirt with an advert of…

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Permissibility and prohibition Q421 :Permissibility and prohibition A421 : In Islam, question of permissibility and prohibition is closely related to the more important feeling of being conscious of Allah and fearing Him. It is the pivot round which every intention and every action in the life of a believer turns. Thus, it transforms human life…

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Pendants with Qur’an Q420 :In our country, some people have Qur’anic verses written on a clean, white paper which is then wrapped with the use of incense and bound by a black cloth. This is worn as a necklace which is supposed to protect the person wearing it and give him some social prestige. Is…

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Pardah or an Islamic dress Q419 :Why is it obligatory that women should wear pardah? Is it true that they have to wear it in front of men of their own age group? What about their relatives or other men? A419 : The pardah is the name of a special dress which prevails in certain…

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Orthodontic treatment Q418 :May I ask whether Muslims are permitted to have orthodontic treatment, whereby teeth are pulled together to close gaps between them? Does this come under the same heading as changing what Allah has created? A418 : There is an authentic Hadith in which the Prophet has cursed women who try to give…

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Orphans: Bringing up and adoption Q417 :The Prophet has spoken very highly of those who bring up orphans and said that they will be rewarded generously by Allah. Yet we see in society that orphans, particularly if they do not have known parents, are not accepted in the society; much less in homes. Fostering parents…

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Oppression Q416 :Oppression A416 : Oppression is, indeed, the most hateful practice a human being may follow. It is degrading to the one who commits it and to the one at the receiving end of it. It is for this reason that Islam stresses in a variety of methods the importance of justice. The Prophet…

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Obligations: Towards parents Q415 :Now that I am married, do I have any financial obligation towards my parents, when they have to pay debts to others? A415 : Your attitude of helping parents settle their debts is highly commendable. Indeed, it is the attitude to be expected from every dutiful son. You cannot abandon your…

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Obligations: Of a wife Q414 :May I ask about the duties of a wife toward her husband? A414 : When we speak of duties within the family, we have to remember that there are different levels of rights and duties. There is firstly the “legal” duty for the omission of which one is liable to…

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