
Mosques: Preference of one over the other Q393 :A group of us were going in a car to a certain mosque. One of us asked to be dropped to another mosque on the way. Another objected and said that we are not allowed to proceed from one mosque to another. We should all go to…

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Mosques: As touring sites Q392 :In some Muslim countries, historical mosques are visited by tourists as part of their sight-seeing tours. I wonder whether this is permissible? A392 : You are right to question this and I understand your concern. However, the only two mosques which non-Muslims are not allowed to enter are the Haram…

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Mosques: A mosque over a graveyard Q391 :When I went to my home country on vacation, I observed that a grand mosque was built on top of a graveyard. There is still a tomb below the mosque. I wonder whether this is appropriate. If not, what should be done about this mosque? A391 : The…

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Money value: Decline in value of money Q390 :Muslim scholars may be busy discussing such matters like inflation, prayer in space, fasting in polar areas, but individual Muslims like us have ready guidance in the Qur’an, the Sunnah and the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and the life of his companions. In…

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Miracles and the present day need for miracles Q389 :We do require more miracles these days because Muslims all over the world are in a very critical situation, exposed to many types of danger. Why do not miracles happen these days. A389 : Whether we need miracles these days or not depends on what miracles…

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Military training for women Q388 :There is provision in certain educational institutions in my home country to join a military training course which lasts a month. This is available for both boys and girls in secondary schools. Completing the course adds 20 marks to the aggregate examination marks of the student. This helps in securing…

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Methods of healing: ‘Cupping’ & ‘Cautery’ Q387 :Could you please explain the Hadith which states that healing of illness can be achieved through three things: Taking honey, cupping and cauterization. Could you explain what ‘cupping’ is and why the Prophet said: “I forbid my followers to use cauterization”. As a specialist in childhood diseases, I…

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Message [of Islam]: Conveying and convincing others Q386 :I recently sent a letter to a radio station, but it turned out to be a Christian preaching station. The person who answered my letter spoke about the enlightened vision of Jesus Christ and suggested that those who do not follow that vision are in total darkness.…

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Mercy killing: No killing can be merciful Q385 :What is your view about euthanasia, or mercy killing? Those who support it say that “modern medical technology can prolong a patient’s life only artificially.” They also argue that people should have the right to die with dignity and that they should not be made to suffer…

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Mental illness, magic, jinn or the evil eye Q384 :There are references in the Qur’an to madness, magic spells, possession by jinn and to the evil eye. There seems to be some sort of differentiation in the Qur’an between madness and the other three. However, as psychiatrists we tend to treat those who are affected…

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