
Menstruation period: It’s duration & other continuous bleeding Q383 :Menstruation period: It’s duration & other continuous bleeding A383 : There is no set limit for menstruation which applies to all women. As you may realize, this is something that relates to the physical constitution of every woman. Hence, there is a wide range of variation…

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Menstruation period: Delaying of Q382 :Some women use some medicines to delay their periods during Ramadhan and pilgrimage. Some people object to it arguing that this amounts to interference with Allah’s creation. As a result, many women feel guilty at having done this. Please comment. A382 : Some women feel deprived of the benefits of…

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Men’s dress: Islamic dress code for men Q381 :Is there any type of clothes or dress that we can describe as Islamic in as far as men are concerned? Is there any harm if a Muslim wears a shirt, tie and a pair of trousers? A381 : All Muslim scholars agree that a Muslim man…

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Men & Women: Confusion over superiority of men Q380 :Could you please explain the meaning of Verse 34 of the fourth surah entitled “Women”. Some people state that the Qur’an endorses the notion of man’s superiority to woman. I am rather confused. Please comment in detail. A380 : The Qur’anic verse to which you have…

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Meeqat point & ihraam violations Q379 :Some eleven years ago, I came to Saudi Arabia. Two months after my arrival, I went out with two friends to do the Umrah for the first time ever. We started from Madinah by car, without any knowledge of the meeqat. It was the driver who was supposed to…

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Medical compensation Q378 :A relative of mine died as a result of excessive bleeding during childbirth. Is it permissible, from the Islamic point of view, for the relatives to receive compensation from the doctors attending her, who could not save her despite their best efforts? A378 : The most important phrase in the question is…

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Meat of animals slaughtered in non-Muslim states Q377 :1. When slaughtering a chicken, a Muslim who is doing the slaughter is helped by a non-Muslim who holds the chicken. Is the meat permissible to eat? 2. Is the meat of animals slaughtered by Christians and Jews permissible to eat, even though they may not slaughter…

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Masjid-ul -Haram : Sacred and forbidden Q376 :In Islam, forbidden things are called “haram”, but the holiest place in Makkah is also called Masjidul Haram. What is the real meaning of the term “haram”? A376 : Arabic dictionaries define haram as the opposite of halal; which [i.e. halal] means permissible. Hence, haram means not allowed,…

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Masjid-e-Nabvi: Visting – An obligation or a sunnah Q375 :When one goes to Madina, is it obligatory that he stays for eight days and offers forty obligatory prayers at the Prophet’s Mosque? A375 : Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah is a sunnah, i.e. recommended. It is neither obligatory not part of the duties of…

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Masjid-e-Nabvi : Reward for the prayers offered in Q374 :Masjid-e-Nabvi : Reward for the prayers offered in A374 : The prophet has taught us that each prayer offered in his mosque in Madinah is given the reward of one thousand prayers elsewhere with the exception of the Grand Mosque in Makkah. Therefore, if a person…

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