
Martyrs: Basic definition of Q373 :Martyrs: Basic definition of A373 : Martyrs are only those who are killed when they fight for Allah’s cause with pure and total devotion. Such martyrs, as we learn, are alive, enjoying all the characteristics of life. They are “provided for” by their Lord, and they are jubilant at what…

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Marriage: With stepmother’s relatives Q372 :Is it permissible for a Muslim to marry the sister of his father’s second wife? Needless to say, the man is the son of his father’s first wife. May I add that people in our area have spoken much about this proposed marriage with some of them opposing it while…

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Marriage: When parents oppose daughter’s marriage Q371 :When the parents of a friend of mine made a proposal on his behalf to the parents of the girl whom he had promised to marry, the proposal was not only rejected, they were also humiliated and the girl concerned was made to suffer beatings. The only reason…

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Marriage: When it promises to be unsuccessful Q370 :A marriage was arranged for the sake of good names of the families concerned. The marriage was never consummated due to lack of love and trust. The husband refuses to divorce his wife and continues to provide her needs. She wants to make a fresh start in…

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Marriage:Walimah – the purpose of Q369 :It is customary in our country to hold a dinner the day following a wedding. However, people believe that this dinner party, to which all relatives and family friends are invited, is treated as permissible, or halal, if the marriage has been consummated, while it is forbidden, or haram,…

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Marriage: Status of an imam [or a maulvi] for Marriage Q368 :When I married my wife, she was a Christian. The witness to the marriage were my sister, her husband and the imam who took care of the formal contract of marriage. I did not ask the consent of her parents, since they wanted us…

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Marraige: Remarriage upon a Christian couple becoming Muslim Q367 :If a Christian couple become Muslim, do they have to be married anew under Islamic law? A367 : At the time of Prophet, people embraced Islam either as individuals or as married couples. The Prophet never asked anyone of them to have a fresh marriage contract,…

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Marriage: Remarriage after divorce Q366 :My friend’s sister was divorced two years ago by her husband and received everything that was due to her. Two years later, she was reunited with her former husband in marriage, but without marrying another man in between divorce and remarriage. This is contrary to the teachings of Hanafi school…

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Marriage: Recommended practices Q365 :I am about to be married. Will you please tell me what is recommended of practices connected with marriage. What about the party and its timings? A365 : It is strongly recommended that a person who has made up his mind to propose to a family to get married to its…

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Marriage: Put off for financial reasons Q364 :As the only breadwinner in my family, I feel it is my obligation to repay the huge amount of debt my father incurred to bring me up as well as my brothers and sisters. If I am to get married, I am bound to increase my liabilities and…

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