
Life, man and the universe Q333 :In a recent discussion with a number of non-Muslim colleagues, certain questions were raised on which I hope you can provide us with some information. How did life begin? What is the original substance of life? How and when was man made? How was the universe formed? What is…

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Life, its sufferings and the Hereafter Q332 :I feel very much depressed over what is happening in the world. It is hard to realize that nearly one billion people do not get enough to eat. Some enjoy too much luxury while others starve to death. What is the purpose of existence if so many of…

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Life span and predestination Q331 :May I take issue with you regarding an answer you had given concerning observation that life expectancy is much higher in Europe than it is in Muslim countries. In your answer you said that lifestyle is responsible for such differences. This is not true because it is reported in a…

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Life expectancy and predestination Q330 :It is our firm belief, supported by the Qur’an and the Sunnah, that a man’s life is predetermined by Allah. Nevertheless, people say that in such and such country, life expectancy is longer; or, if this and that are done, people can live longer; or if such and such precautions…

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Lies: Uttering simple lies Q329 :My grandmother is over 90. Sometimes we tell her little lies to please her. Is it acceptable from the Islamic point of view. A329 : The Prophet was asked by one of his companions about the cardinal sins and whether a Muslim may be guilty of any of them. With…

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Lies: Situations where lies are acceptable Q328 :It is stated that telling lies cannot be sanctioned whether in earnest or in jest. Yet there may be situations where one is motivated to tell a lie in order to avoid an unpleasant situation or to obtain a collective benefit without causing harm to others. Please comment.…

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Licking fingers after a meal Q327 :It is said that the Prophet used to lick his fingers after eating and he has recommended his followers to do so. Is it true that this prevents intestine trouble? A327 : It is true that the Prophet used to lick his fingers after he finished his meal, and…

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Legal profession and helping criminals Q326 :Is legal profession permissible? Can lawyers represent habitual criminals in the court of law? A326 : The legal profession is the same as any other profession, from the Islamic point of view. In every type of work or profession, there are areas which may be against Islam and others…

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Left-handedness Q325 :I am a 12 year old student, and I am left-handed. People have often reminded me not to eat or write with my left hand, because people who do so will not go to heaven; they will go to hell. I have tried to use my right hand for eating and writing, but…

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Law-making in Islamic context Q324 :A religious teacher working in South Indian state of Tamil Nadu (having studied in the Islamic University of Madinah) has been stressing most emphatically that Muslims can only follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. There are no other guides or sources to follow. In scholarly books, however,…

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