
Law to suit self-interest Q323 :There is a Muslim community in my home country where people believe that it is permissible to steal money and property from non-Muslims in order to distribute it among poor Muslims. Members of that community may rob a bank and claim that they are working for Islam. To my thinking,…

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Law providing illegitimate rights Q322 :When my grandfather suffered a business setback, he was left only with a small vegetable shop that he owned and a small flat that he rented. From a young age, my father worked hard, helping his father in earning the livelihood for his family. He then took over all the…

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Law and regulations with retroactive effect Q321 :Does Islam permit the enactment of laws which have retroactive effect? In this connection, is it permissible for one of the parties to a contract to go back on it after the contract has been completed and acted upon? May I mention the case of a law which…

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Large family and poverty Q320 :No human being can be certain about his future or his fortune. Why, then, do we go on producing many children, mainly females, who are the worst sufferers in this life as they are subjugated and dominated by men. Would you also explain to me why 90 percent of people…

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Lactating wife and a sucking husband Q319 :What happens if a husband sucks the breast of his lactating wife and swallows some drops of her milk? A319 : As you are well aware, breast-feeding is a cause which prevents marriages between the child who is breast-fed and the family of the woman who has breast-fed…

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Knowledge: Qur’anic emphasis not restricted to religion only Q318 :Many people argue that modern scientific education is not the right one for Muslims because a Muslim should concentrate only on the Qur’an and Hadith. If we were to take this view, Muslims will certainly be at a disadvantage in this world. Since there is repeated…

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Knowledge of the unknown Q317 :People in our part of the world go to a person addressed by the title “Baba Ji”. This title refers to a person who is honest and respectable, loves Allah and talks to Him. Allah gives him knowledge about people living far away and things that will happen in the…

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Khola’: Inability to repay dower and the custody of children Q316 :It is possible for a woman to demand divorce, provided that she repays her dower or meher, to her husband. What if she does not have the money to repay? Does this mean that she cannot be divorced? In case the divorce is granted,…

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Kalimah in the Qur’an Q315 :What does Islam say about the Kalimah? Why is it not mentioned in full in the Qur’an? A315 : The Kalimah is an Arabic word which has found its way to other languages of Muslim people. It refers to the declaration which brings a person into the fold of Islam.…

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Kafir: Describing one as ‘Kafir’ Q314 :In a discussion with a friend, I told him that a person who deliberately omits to offer obligatory prayers is considered a non-Muslim. I have heard from scholars that the criterion which distinguishes Muslims from non-Muslims is prayer. My friend argues that we cannot call anyone a ‘kafir’. Please…

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