
Ka’aba (the) Q313 :You have mentioned in the past that we kiss the Black Stone only because the Prophet kissed it. There is another place, Rukn Al-Yamani, which some people kiss when they do the tawaf. Could you please explain the background for their doing so and what is the proper ruling concerning that. May…

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Justice: Basic definition of Q312 :Justice: Basic definition of A312 : Part of the covenant with which Allah has bound the Muslim nation requires it to deal with other people on the basis of absolute justice which is never affected by feelings of love or hatred, or by a relationship, interest or feelings of any…

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Jumm’atul-Wida: Last Friday in Ramadan Q311 :Does the last Friday in the month of Ramadan have any particular significance? In our part of the world, people celebrate this Friday with a special sermon and the distribution of sweets. Please comment. A311 : No particular significance is associated with the last Friday in Ramadan. It is…

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Jinn (the) Q310 :What is the meaning of the word jinn and where are jinn to be found? In what ways are they different from us? Also please speak about the spirit, good and evil. Some people suggest that jinns sometimes attack the Muslims that turn their backs on their faith. Please comment. A310 :…

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Jihad: Reality and reward Q309 :What is real jihad? Who is a real mujahed and who is a real shaheed? What is the reward for mujahed, shaheed or a ghazi? A309 : If we take the linguistic meaning of the word jihad we find that it relates to the exertion of efforts. The effort is…

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Jihad: Basic definition of Q308 :Jihad: Basic definition of A308 : Jihad could be a simple action, such as standing firm in defense of the cause of Islam. This may require speaking out in public, against ignoring Islamic principles, and writing articles or publishing books. It may also take the form of reminding people of…

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Jews: Rejection of the Jews or the Jewish Q307 :Someone told me that billiards is a Jewish game and Muslims should not play it. Please comment. A307 : It is the first time I hear that billiards is a Jewish game. Even if it is, there is no harm in playing it. That applies to…

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Ittaqo Allah: Correct definition of Q306 :What does ‘Ittaqo Allah’ mean? The term is often translated as “fear God”. Do people worship God and do good deeds out of their love to Him or because they fear Him? A306 : The Arabic term “taqwa”, the root from which the verb you have mentioned is derived,…

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Islamic state Q305 :Some of my non-Muslim friends question me about the nature of Islamic government and whether democracy can be accommodated in an Islamic system. Please clarify. A305 : We can describe Islamic government as consultative by nature. There is no absolute authority vested in a person or an institution or even in a…

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Islamic names Q304 :Is there anything such as Mulsim or non-Muslim names? Names are taken on regional or language basis. Names used by Muslims today were used by people before Islam, such as David, Jacob, Abraham, etc. albeit they are used in their Arabic forms Dawood, Yaqoob and Ibraheem. These names are also used by…

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