
Help: Whom to help and how? Q253 :We are expected to share our prosperity with others. Kindly list the relations and other people, in order of priority, who may be entitled to receive our help. To what extent would this fulfil the need of our first priority before moving on to the next? What is…

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Heaven: Who enjoys heaven most? Q252 :When I read the Qur’an, I feel that certain verses, which speak of the bliss of heaven, mention some enjoyment which seems to be exclusively for men. Could you please explain why? A252 : Allah has sent Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with a message to mankind and…

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Heaven: What is the status of women in heaven? Q251 :Many a Qur’anic statement describes the life of men in heaven, but there is nothing to describe the status of women there. Men are said to live in heaven with their wives and sons, but how will women live? A251 : The Prophet describes heaven…

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Heaven – What is in it for women? Q250 :It is mentioned in the Qur’an that there will be women in heaven. May I ask why will they be there? In our country, some scholars suggest that a true believer will be offered as many as seventy such women. Are they correct? If so, what…

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Haraam: Basic definition of Q249 :Haraam: Basic definition of A249 : That which is haraam is everything that has been forbidden by Allah or His messenger. Obviously, committing something haram earns punishment. Avoiding it earns reward. Thus haram, is the opposite of fardh. Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )

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Hadiths: Their authenticity Q248 :When I read Hadiths in some of the six compilations of authentic Hadiths, I have strong doubts about the authenticity of some Hadiths included in them. How is it that inauthentic Hadiths were included in these books? A248 : Those great scholars who compiled the six books of authentic Hadiths spared…

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Q247 Hadiths: Revelations or intuitions Q247 :If Hadith is not revelation, can it be termed as “lofty intuition”? A247 : Hadith is much more than what can be described as ‘lofty intuition’. Everything that the Prophet has taught us of our religion has been revealed to him. The Qur’an is revealed in meaning and in…

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Hadiths: Conditions established for authenticity Q246 :Is there any Hadith which is included in the two collections of Al-Bukhari and Muslim which can be described as “weak”? A246 : Scholars look at each Hadith, or statement attributed to the Prophet, from two angles: its chain of reporters and its text. As you realize, by the…

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Hadith: Its meaning & authority Q245 :You often speak of the importance of Hadith and Sunnah. It is well known that the best compilations of Hadith are those made by the six famous scholars. However, I have read in some of these books reports of the type that the Prophet and his wife, Aisha, used…

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Guidance which ends in ruin Q244 :May I quote from a book which I have been reading recently entitled: What Islam Is. Speaking on Zikr, the author makes this suggestion: “There is no need for those in whose hearts zikr of Allah has come to dwell permanently as a result of constant endeavor and become…

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