
Greetings: On Christmas, etc. Q243 :Back home, the followers of three religions live side by side: Muslims, Christians and Hindus. In any feast of any community, members of the two other communities congratulate those who have the festivity. For example, Hindus and Christians come and greet us on the occasion of Eid, and we congratulate…

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Greeting: the dead at graves Q242 :According to some Hadiths, it is recommended to greet the dead when one visits or passes by a graveyard. At the same time, Allah states in the Qur’an that those who are in their graves cannot hear. Please explain. A242 : The Qur’anic verse which you have referred to…

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Greeting: Replying to greeting while eating Q241 :It is suggested that replying to a greeting while eating is discouraged. Is this true? A241 : This is simply a wrong interpretation of a social tradition which suggests “no greeting during eating”. What this social tradition means is that a person who passed by another or a…

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Graves: Not a matter of grave importance Q240 :Where are the graves of the Prophet Adam and Caliph Ali? I heard that Ali’s grave which is said to be in Iraq is not the true one. What happened to Ali’s body after he was murdered? Is the grave of Mother Eve in Jeddah real or…

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Graves & tombs Q239 :Whenever we visit the Prophet’s mosque in Madinah and the graveyard of Al Baqie, we are directed to more than one place as the burial place of Fatimah, the Prophet’s daughter. Please comment. A239 : When people point to different spots at the burial place of Fatimah, or any particular companion…

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Good deeds: Could they come to naught? Q238 :I heard a religious scholar in my country speak on the radio and comment on the Qur’anic verse which states: “Those who earn bad deeds and become besieged by their error are the people of the fire who will abide there forever.” He said that if a…

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Good actions: Must they be based on faith? Q237 :You have emphasized time and again the great importance of good actions. You have also pointed out that good actions must be based on faith, otherwise they are worthless. As you are well aware, the majority of people in the world are non-Muslims. The overwhelming majority…

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Girls traveling for study Q236 :Can Muslim girls go to a non-Muslim country for study and enroll in a mixed institution of education? A236 : What a Muslim girl should not do is to travel alone, whether to a Muslim or a non-Muslim country. She must be accompanied by a mahram who may be either…

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Gifts to children: Must be equal Q235 :May I seek a clarification of what you have mentioned previously of the necessity to make gifts to children equal. Does this mean that if a person divides his wealth among his children during his lifetime, he should divide it equally among his sons and daughters? A235 :…

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Gifts to children: In preference to some over others Q234 :I am the eldest in a family of three sons and five daughters. Recently, when I went back home, I found that my father has transferred all his land to my two younger brothers. When I asked about my share he said that since I…

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