
Gambling practices Q233 :Could you please tell me whether the following practices fall within forbidden gambling: (a) Gifts offered by shops and stores through a draw of envelopes or raffles; and (b) Selling one’s articles or belongings through raffles. May I say that this is the quickest way of selling one’s belongings when one is…

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Funeral: Speedy funeral and burial Q232 :Is it necessary to speed up the preparation for burial, or can the body be kept at home for some time to allow people who are coming from distant places to attend the funeral? A232 : It is a well known tradition throughout the Muslim world that when a…

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Fundamentalists Q231 :The basic tenets of Islam are clearly defined and they must be adopted and implemented by every Muslim. However, we often hear the adjective ‘fundamentalist’ attached to certain groups of Muslims whose activities are described as ‘Islamic fundamentalism”. Others who do not seem to fall in the same category are called ‘moderates’. Could…

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Friendship with non-believers Q230 :Could you please explain the Qur’anic verse which instructs Muslims in these words: “Take not unbelievers as your friends, and if you do so you are among them.” In our present world, most Muslims have some sort of dealings with non-Muslims, and that approaches friendship in the majority of cases, especially…

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Freedom of belief Q229 :In a recent discussion concerning Prophet Suleman and the Queen of Sheba, you referred to a threat of Prophet Suleman to expel her and her people from their own land. The justification for this threat of the use of force seems to be simply the difference of religion between Prophet Suleman…

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Fortune telling & curse of the precious stones Q228 :Is it true that diamonds and other precious stones should be bought only for personal use and this be determined on the basis of knowing one’s exact date of birth. Some people suggest that if this is not taken into consideration, these precious stones may have…

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Food: Prepared by non-Muslims Q227 :A friend of mine advises me not to eat any food cooked or prepared by anyone other than a follower of Islam, Christianity or Judaism. According to him, it is not permissible in Islam to eat any food prepared by a Hindu or Buddhist, etc. How far is this correct?…

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Food: Of the People of the Book Q226 :1. In his book, “The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam,” Mr. Y. Al-Qaradhawi argues that all imported tinned meat and chicken originating with the People of the Book are lawful for Muslims to eat. He quotes verse 5 of surah 5, but ignores the word “Tayyibat”…

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Food: Forbidden types Q225 :In my home country, we have certain concepts about permissible types of food. People maintain that the meat of animals which use their hands in eating and those which are amphibious are forbidden for human beings to eat. Animals without blood are also discouraged to eat. People have two different opinions…

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Food: Canned in foreign countries Q224 :Cans of food imported from foreign countries may carry a statement in Arabic that the food has been prepared according to the Islamic way. Do we accept such a statement without question? A224 : This statement in Arabic is made to comply with requirement by governments of Muslim countries…

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