
Expressions: “Insha’Allah”, “Masha’Allah” & “Alhamdulillah” Q193 :When should the phrases “Insha’Allah”, “Masha’Allah” and “Alhamdulillah” be used? It seems as if some people’s conversation consists of virtually these words only. Please comment. A193 : Insha’Allah means “Allah willing”. Therefore it is said when someone expects to do something or promises to do it or when he…

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Eve: the way Allah created Eve Q192 :We all know that God has created the Prophet Adam, and presumably he created Eve in the same way. Why, then, the scholars say that Eve was created from Adam’s left rib? Does it look natural? Medical science rejects such an assumption. Can you interpret it in a…

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Engagement: Correspondence before engagement Q191 :Is it forbidden to correspond with one’s future wife before the engagement, or even to see her, so that both can become acquainted with each other? A191 : What is intriguing in the way you have phrased your question is your usage of the expression “future wife,” in reference to…

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Employment: Muslims employed in banks & insurance companies. Q190 :Should Muslims employed in banks or insurance companies be asked to give up their jobs? Will it not lead to further unemployment among Muslims who are already economically backward, especially in non-Muslim countries? What should be the right strategy in this case? A190 : I have…

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Eid and sacrifice of sheep Q189 :If one is financially well off, should he sacrifice one sheep for every member of his family? A189 : Sacrifice on Eid day is strongly recommended. It is not obligatory. Therefore, it cannot be considered as an obligation on the head of the family or any of its members.…

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Education: Ijtihad to make it obligatory Q188 :It is an undeniable fact that education is the most important thing in life. Perhaps the main reason for the failure of the Muslim world in recent history is the lack of knowledge and education. Why is it that this very important factor is not included among the…

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Dye for hair Q187 :In the past, you have mentioned that it is permissible for men to dye their hair, but you have not clarified the position regarding a black dye. Indeed, you have tended to make it permissible, when the Prophet’s advice was clearly quoted to avoid “black”. Would you please review the verdict…

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Dutifulness and disobedience. Q186 :I met my husband when he was studying in the United States. He gave me literature about Islam and I became convinced of its truth. Shortly afterward, I became a Muslim. However, when we got married, my father-in-law did not approve of our marriage. He continues to be angry with his…

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Dutiful child: How dutiful can you be? Q185 :My parents were very poor; they struggled hard to finance my education. My father’s situation now is rather comfortable with a reasonable pension and some income from a piece of land. When I started my job here, I paid off all my father’s debt. He, however, continues…

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Durood: the best form Q184 :What is the best form of blessing the Prophet. How many times should it be said every day? What do you think of the book called Dala’il Al-Khairat, a collection of “Duroods”. A184 : I have on several occasions warned against using Dala’il Al-Khairat because it includes phrases and things…

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