
Durood: standing up? Q183 :In our part of the world, people argue a great deal whether it is better to be standing up or seated when we pray Allah to grant peace and blessings to Prophet Muhammad. Which position is the correct one? A183 : It is of little consequence whether you are standing up…

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Drinking what is leftover by another person Q182 :Some scholars are of the opinion that it is sunnah to drink what is left over by another person in his glass. How could this be explained in the light of the fact that certain diseases can be transmitted this way? A182 : It is certainly not…

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Dowry gifts to brides and their inheritance Q181 :In our part of the world, the agricultural land, which is left behind by the deceased, is distributed to his heirs automatically in the revenue records, but division of residential property and other movables is left to the heirs themselves. On the other hand, whether a prospective…

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Dower: What dower to pay? Q180 :Could you please let me know what is the actual amount of dower, or meher, prescribed by Islam. A180 : This question has been coming up time after time. What I find strange about it is the request for an exact figure. Islam does not prescribe a particular amount…

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Dower: Failure to pay dower Q179 :Is it necessary to pay the dower in full to one’s bride at the time of the wedding, or can a woman waive it in full or in part? Is such a waiver enough to free the husband from paying it? If a man has not paid the dower…

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Dower: Deferred payment Q178 :How much should a man pay in dower at the present time? When and how should it be paid? What is the result of its non-payment or delayed payment? How is a husband who refuses to pay the dower penalized? A178 : There is no fixed amount for a woman’s dower.…

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Dower: Death of spouse Q177 :Could you please explain what happens to the dower if it remains unpaid until the husband dies. In my home country, it is customary that the woman declares to the deceased husband at the time when his body is taken for burial that she forgives him and forfeits her dower.…

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Donations for building mosques Q176 :The mosque in our locality is being rebuilt, but much of the money is received as donations from rich people who acquired their wealth through cheating the government and bribery. What is the Islamic point of view in this matter? Can one stay away from such a mosque and pray…

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Dogs: Using guard dogs Q175 :In order to minimize pilferage and theft in my small farm in my country, I have domesticated a couple of dogs which we keep away from home. Some of my friends, however, have criticized me. They say that as Muslims we cannot have dogs near to us. I am worried…

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Divorce: Whimsical divorce Q174 :May I put to you the case of a husband who was sitting on his desk with pen and paper, writing all sorts of nonsense. Following a sudden whim, he wrote on a piece of paper, “I divorce so and so (writing the name of his wife) three times.” He went…

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