
Disowning one’s child Q153 :Can a father declare his son or daughter as not his and disinherit either one on the basis of indulging in un-Islamic behavior? Suppose a daughter marries a non-Muslim husband, can she be disinherited? A153 : No, it is not permissible for a father or a parent to disinherit his own…

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Directives and rituals Q152 :Directives and rituals A152 : Religious directives are complemented by practical steps which aim at shaping life in a certain fashion. If religion were to be confined to directives and rituals, then the directives will remain unimplemented. A complete way of life on the basis of religion is necessary to allow…

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Devil: Powers of the devil Q151 :Could you please give your view on the mysteries like “the Bermuda Triangle” where ships and aeroplanes are said to have disappeared without a trace. Who is responsible for such actions? They cannot be of Allah’s doing, but could they be the work of the devil or space creatures?…

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Depression: Islamic way to overcome it Q150 :What is the best Islamic way to overcome depression? (which results from thinking about the past, loss of friends, fear of getting old, possible death of parents, etc.) A150 : The sort of depression you ask about is easily dispelled when one remembers that everything in this life…

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Delivery by a male Doctor. Q149 :Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to have her baby delivered by a male doctor? A149 : In normal circumstances, a Muslim woman should have her baby delivered by a Muslim woman midwife or doctor. It is not permissible for her to reveal of her body what a…

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Decorative figurines Q148 :I collect rabbit figurines as a hobby. Some of these are more stylized and abstract while others are more realistic. Some people object to them, but they are not more than charming decorations. What is the proper view? A148 : Such figurines are not statues. They are not thought of as idols…

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Debt: Incurred to help parents perform pilgrimage Q147 :In order to call my parents to perform the pilgrimage, I am arranging a loan from my employers. How far is this acceptable? A147 : Your keenness to help your parents perform pilgrimage is highly commendable. You are prepared to incur a debt for that purpose. That…

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Debt: Compensation for late payment Q146 :I gave money on loan to a friend for a specified period of time. When the payment was due, my friend, though acknowledging the debt, claimed that he was not in a position to pay. What sort of sanctions has Islam prescribed in such a situation? Am I entitled…

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Debt: Comments on a bad debt Q145 :In an earlier answer on Zakah and bad debts, you mentioned that we do not own our money. It belongs to Allah and we are placed in charge of it. With this concept in mind, how can we explain “loss” or “profit”? The way I would look at…

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Death: Washing the dead Q144 :What is the reason for washing a dead person before burying him, when we know that the process of decomposition starts with death? A144 : When a person dies and he is prepared for burial, all his body is washed, in the same way as a living person washes his…

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