
Classification of mankind Q103 :In the Qur’an, human beings are divided into three groups: believers, hypocrites and non-believers. However, we find in writings about Islam further groupings under such headings as: good Muslims, true believers, Sunnis, Shiites, etc. Please comment on this method of classification. A103 : What you have said about the classification of…

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Classes within a Muslim community Q102 :In my country, people are classified as either sayed or sheikh or pathan. There are restrictions on intermarriages between these groups which would prevent, for example, the marriage of a sayed girl to a pathan man. It is also said that sayeds are not allowed to receive zakah. Could…

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Circumcision: Is it obligatory? Q101 :A Hindu friend of mine has embraced Islam. He is very happy with his new faith and everyone is encouraging him to learn more about Islam. Our sponsor wanted to take him to hospital for circumcision, but we were told by an Egyptian friend that there was no need. Please…

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Christmas celebrations: Muslims partaking Q100 :Some years ago I married an English girl who decided later to convert to Islam, without any pressure from me. We had then to move to Denmark where we have been living for the last few years. Needless to say, that has restricted our visiting my parents-in-law. It so happens…

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Children: Rights of a child born by an illegitimate relationship Q99 :May I ask the responsibilities of a man who has a child born to him by an illegitimate relationship? What are the rights of the child? Does the man have to marry the mother? If so, does she need her father’s permission to marry…

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Children: Restricting number of children Q98 :In a discussion with friends recently, some of us were of the opinion that there should be no restriction on the number of pregnancies or child-bearing. Others insisted on allowing time between every two pregnancies to give the mother a chance to recover and the child a chance to…

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Child growing up where Islam does not exist Q97 :You have said that a child born into an unbelieving family must believe in Islam when he grows up into an adult and starts thinking. Otherwise, he is answerable for being a polytheist. Suppose that this child is born and grows up in a village where…

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Children: Are they questioned for misjudgment of the parents? Q96 :It is often said that the followers of any religion other than Islam will be questioned on the Day of Judgment for following that religion. A Buddhist may give such an answer: “I was born in a Buddhist family and surroundings, by Your will. My…

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Children in congregation Q95 :Is it permissible to allow children to stand in the same line with their elders in congregation prayer? A95 : If you are speaking of a large mosque in which a congregational prayer attracts several rows of worshippers and there are a number of children in the mosque, then children may…

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Children and the choice of religion Q94 :I was brought up as a Christian, but then I did not really believe in Christianity. When my husband explained to me the full meaning of the basic Islamic concept of the Oneness of Allah, I gladly accepted Islam. However, because of the wide discrepancy between people’s practices…

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