
Aqeeqah: Is it an obligation? Q40 :Is the aqiqah obligatory? What if a person cannot afford to buy the sheep to slaughter? How does it affect the child? A40 : The aqiqah refers to a sacrifice given by a family on the occasion of the birth of a son or a daughter. One sheep is…

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Appealing to Allah through the Prophet’s companions Q39 :In my home country, a small community appeals to the Prophet’s companions for blessings and bounty. Although they recite the Qur’an and offer their prayers and fulfill other duties, they feel that a direct approach to Allah is not appropriate. Therefore, they appeal to the Prophet’s companions…

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Anniversaries: Observing death anniversaries Q38 :Is it proper to commemorate death anniversaries of one’s forefathers by conducting feasts or giving charity and reciting parts of the Qur’an with the help of other people, including professional reciters of the Qur’an, as it is customary in certain parts of the Muslim world? A38 : Let us ask…

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Animal for sacrifice, accidental death Q37 :Last year, I intended to sacrifice a sheep on the Eid day. However, after buying the sheep, it got electrocuted through coming in contact with a live electric wire and was killed within two minutes. Do I have to sacrifice another sheep in place of it? A37 : A…

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Anger Q36 :How far is anger forbidden? Is there any method to overcome anger? A36 : Being angry is a condition which cannot be described as permissible or forbidden. Prohibition applies to actions which a person may do of his own free will. Anger is a reaction to some sort of an event which is…

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Angels recording our deeds and the need for such a record Q35 :I have read in my school book that Allah has assigned two angels to each one of us who are called “writing angels”. They record everything we do. My question is: Since Allah can see everything and knows everything, what need is there…

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Amputation: A punishment to fit the crime Q34 :The Repast – “Al-Maidah”:”As for the man or woman who is guilty of theft, cut off their hands in retribution for what they have earned, as an exemplary punishment ordained by Allah. Allah is Almighty, Wise. But whoever repents after having thus done wrong, and makes amends,…

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Amassing of wealth This question comes from Our Dialogue: Q&A on Islam. This Q&A contains more than 700 questions, arranged alphabetically. This is the 33rd question in this series. IslamiCity Q33 :Surah ‘TAUBA’ – ” As for those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend the same in the service of Allah’s…

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Allah’s will: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait Q32 :As I understand it, everything [that] takes place in the world comes from Allah. Does this apply to events such as one country invading and occupying the other? A32 : When we say that everything comes from Allah, we mean two things: Allah knows of it before it…

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Allah’s will and man’s doing Q31 :Allah’s will and man’s doing A31 : Allah has committed Himself to grant victory to those who support His cause and fight to defend His faith. But this is conditional on certain things: that the whole concept of faith must be deeply entrenched in their hearts, that the practical…

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