
Adoption: Prohibited in Islam Q20 :Adoption is forbidden in Islam. But according to authentic Hadiths related by Al-Bukhari, the Prophet adopted a son named Zaid. Please comment. A20 : Both statements of the prohibition of adoption in Islam and the Prophet’s adoption of Zaid are correct. The explanation of these two apparently contradictory facts lies…

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Adoption and inheritance Q19 :Can a childless couple adopt a child? If so, will the child be entitled to inherit the property of the adopting couple? A19 : I have spoken at length recently about adoption and made it absolutely clear that Islam does not allow it. It is forbidden in our faith. However, to…

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Adopted child and a gift by will Q18 : You have stated in the past that adoption is not allowed in Islam. Could you please quote the relevant part of the Qur’an or Hadith which supports your statement. Unaware of this prohibition, some Muslims nevertheless do adopt children. In the case of a person who…

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Addressing prayers to the Prophet Q17 :1. Is it true that to pray Allah to forgive our sins taking into consideration the love and affection Allah bears to the Prophet is a form of polytheism? I am at a loss to understand how it could be so. How then can we ask the Prophet on…

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Actions on behalf of dead persons Q16 :A few months ago, you published an answer claiming that it is permissible to recite the Qur’an on behalf of a dead person and that the reward for such a recitation is granted to the dead person. This opinion has been vehemently opposed by almost all renowned Salafi…

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Abortion on medical grounds Q15 :There are many genetic disorders for which currently no cure is available, but diagnosis is possible. Some of these disorders, when confirmed, may require termination of pregnancy. What is your opinion on this important issue in the light of Islamic teachings: can abortion be allowed on medical grounds? A15 :…

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Ablution: Undressed after ablution Q14 :If one happens to undress, does he need to do his ablution again? A14 : No. Being undressed when one is alone does not render ablution invalid. In fact, when we take a bath, we have ablution and we are totally undressed. Why should the case be different otherwise. Our…

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Ablution: the concept behind it Q13 : Ablution: the concept behind it A13 : Islam establishes some kind of link between worship and other legislations. Washing some parts of our bodies as we do in ablution or having a full bath as we do in grand ablution are not merely meant for physical cleanliness. This…

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Ablution: Purification – women’s Q12 :Is it necessary for a woman to have a full shower or bath before she prays, if she has had a vaginal discharge which may happen at any time of the day without a particular cause? A12 : Having a full shower for purification is necessary for a woman only…

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Ablution: Invalidated by touching private parts Q11 :Could you please quote a Hadith in support of your claim that ablution is invalidated by the touching of one’s private parts? What if this happens as one is drying himself after having had ghusl? A11 : It is the view of most scholars that to touch one’s…

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