Our Dialogue


Zakah: Payment to hospitals Q733 :Is it appropriate to pay zakah money to hospitals? Some people claim that this is not acceptable even if the money is utilized for the treatment of destitute patients. Please comment. A733 : If we are certain that the zakah we pay to a hospital will definitely be used for…

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Zakah: Payment to grandchildren Q732 :My son-in-law has died, leaving behind a few children with no income whatsoever. Can I give my zakah to those children, considering that they are the responsibility of their father’s relatives, while I should take care of my daughter – i.e. their mother? May I also ask until what age…

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Zakah: Payment to a poor woman with considerable assets Q731 :A relative of mine has a plot of land worth SR. 100,000 but the income of this property is too small to cover the ordinary expenses of her family. My relative’s husband is handicapped and unable to earn a living. Does she qualify as a…

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Zakah: Payment to a political party Q730 :Is it permissible to pay zakah, fitra, ordinary donations or give the hides of the sacrificial animals to political parties which may be involved in terrorism, killing and misappropriation? If a person donates these or other things to such a party, does he share in the responsibility of…

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Zakah: Payment in advance and to brothers Q729 :My three brothers are unemployed. Two of them are married and their wives have received some gold from their parents at the time of their marriages. Since my brothers are poor, is it permissible for me to pay my zakah to them? Moreover, is it open to…

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Zakah: Payment for a marriage Q728 :Marriage is normally very costly and numerous are the cases when the marriage is delayed for a year or more because the family is unable to meet the expenses. Is it permissible to pay zakah in order to help with the marriage of a girl? A728 : You ask…

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Zakah: Payment as help to dependents Q727 :My father is about to retire, but his pension is hardly sufficient to pay for his own expenses and those of his family. Moreover, he has a loan to repay over a long period of time. That gives him much worry. As his daughter, can I pay him…

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Zakah: On women’s jewelry in relation to her social status Q726 :I have heard that women need not pay zakah on jewelry, if it is within the limits of their social status. Is the above criterion not ambiguous? How does a woman quantify her jewelry in relation to her social status? She may feel that…

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Zakah: On unproductive land Q725 :I have invested my savings in buying some plots of land which are now lying vacant and unproductive. I have a mind to dispose of them and to invest otherwise. I want to build a house of my own and start a business when I go back home. May I…

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Zakah: On (employment) savings plans Q724 :Our company deducts ten percent of the salary of its employees and invests the amount and gives profits or deducts losses and it also gives an accrued reward as well as earning on that reward. This makes the money we have in the plan fall under several items: Savings…

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