
Aulia: Miraculous powers Q50 :In the India-Pak region people visit tombs of holy men (Aulias) whom they believe to have personal or spiritual powers called ‘karamats’. People who visit these tombs believe that those who are buried in them can give relief or remedy of physical or spiritual illness, or can accomplish other things as…

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Aulia: A status or a title Q49 :I have read in a book published in India that God may give some of his special servants a position which enables them to give any order for anything and their orders will be immediately implemented. This has happened with so many people in the past. In commenting…

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Athan: Without ablution Q48 :Can one call the Athan without having had ablution first? A48 : Athan, or the call to prayer, is part of zikr, or the remembrance of Allah. For any type of this remembrance, it is preferable or recommended to have ablution. However, if a person calls the Athan without having had…

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Athan: Can wordings be changed? Q47 :Is it permissible to leave out the words that mean “prayers are better than sleeping” in the call to Fajr prayer? Are there any Hadiths in connection with this? Who inserted these phrases in the call to prayer? A47 : A famous report suggests that when Bilal was taught…

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Athan for newborn Q46 :Is there any authentic Hadith to confirm the desirability of the practice of calling the athan at a short distance from the ear of a newborn baby? A46 : Abu-Rafi, a companion of the Prophet reports: “I saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) calling the ‘athan’ close to the ear…

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Athan & law Q45 :In some non-Muslim countries, the use of loudspeakers is prohibited by law. How can Muslims in these countries make their call for prayer? A45 : Muslims in these countries should abide by the law of their country. Islam does not encourage civil strife or conflict with authorities. Moreover, there is no…

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Arabic: Is it a divine language? Q44 :Should Arabic be considered a divine language, being the language of the Qur’an and the Sunnah? Should it be made compulsory for all Muslims throughout the world? Is it true that Islamic scriptures cannot be understood properly except in Arabic? A44 : No. Arabic is a human language.…

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Arabic: Can non-Muslims teach Arabic? Q43 :In my village in India, a young woman who is not a Muslim was appointed by the government as a primary school teacher and was given the task of teaching Arabic, since she is a graduate of Arabic. Muslim parents have refused to allow her to teach their children…

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Aqeeqah: the purpose of Q42 :When my son was seven days old, I gave him the name of Ar-Rafi’ and did the “aqeeqah” on his behalf. Recently, I was told by a friend that this name was one of attributes to Allah, and I should change it. I did that, but a scholar in our…

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Aqeeqah: It’s necessity and time limit Q41 :Is aqeeqah necessary for all Muslims?. If so, does it have a time limit? A41 : The aqeeqah is a sunnah. When a child is born to a family, the father is strongly recommended by the Prophet to slaughter one or two sheep and to invite relatives and…

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