
Compilation of Qur’an Q108 :May I ask how was the Qur’an compiled? It is said that at first it was written on leaves, pieces of skin, stones and also memorized by many people, some of whom died before all verses of the Qur’an were compiled and brought from different areas in Makkah and Madinah. Who…

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Compensation: A fair compensation or an unfair gift Q107 :May I put to you the case of a family which includes two brothers and three sisters as well as their two parents. Normally, brothers contribute to the finances of the family and meet its commitments. When one brother has a better position and greater income…

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Compensation for moral damages Q106 :Please let me know whether according to Islamic laws it is possible to sue someone for moral damages. A106 : The idea of recovering personal or moral damage is valid in Islam. At the time of Umar, one of his governors complained to him about a poet who slandered him…

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Commemorating the great in the Islamic manner Q105 :Is it not an expression of a people’s loyalty to the memory of its heroes, whose great deeds are recorded in the annals of history, to erect statues in their honor as a reminder to future generations of their achievements and greatness? People’s memories are short, and…

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Co-education Q104 :What is the Islamic view on co-education? A104 : There is a well-known principle in Islamic law, which may be rendered in translation as “prevention of means.” This applies to any situation or condition which may be permissible in the first instance, but is calculated to lead to something forbidden. If it is…

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Classification of mankind Q103 :In the Qur’an, human beings are divided into three groups: believers, hypocrites and non-believers. However, we find in writings about Islam further groupings under such headings as: good Muslims, true believers, Sunnis, Shiites, etc. Please comment on this method of classification. A103 : What you have said about the classification of…

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Classes within a Muslim community Q102 :In my country, people are classified as either sayed or sheikh or pathan. There are restrictions on intermarriages between these groups which would prevent, for example, the marriage of a sayed girl to a pathan man. It is also said that sayeds are not allowed to receive zakah. Could…

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Circumcision: Is it obligatory? Q101 :A Hindu friend of mine has embraced Islam. He is very happy with his new faith and everyone is encouraging him to learn more about Islam. Our sponsor wanted to take him to hospital for circumcision, but we were told by an Egyptian friend that there was no need. Please…

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Christmas celebrations: Muslims partaking Q100 :Some years ago I married an English girl who decided later to convert to Islam, without any pressure from me. We had then to move to Denmark where we have been living for the last few years. Needless to say, that has restricted our visiting my parents-in-law. It so happens…

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Children: Rights of a child born by an illegitimate relationship Q99 :May I ask the responsibilities of a man who has a child born to him by an illegitimate relationship? What are the rights of the child? Does the man have to marry the mother? If so, does she need her father’s permission to marry…

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