
Charging fees for lectures Q88 :There is a tradition in our part of the world to organize meetings with the aim of instructing the Muslim community about Islam. Such a meeting may last several days with speeches, lectures and seminars about the Qur’an, the Hadith and other Islamic subjects. It used to be the case…

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Charging different customers different prices Q87 :A shop manager receives all the goods he sells from an establishment which sets prices for all the goods. But the shop manager does not fix any price. He sells his goods after bargaining with every customer. Could you please comment on his action. A87 : You say that…

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Change came about – but how? Q86 :I was a person who cared very little about religion. I almost ridiculed religion and those who were religious. I have even rejected the existence of God and demonstrated that rejection in an outrageous manner. Yet, one day in November last year, it all changed. Waking up one…

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Ceremonial impurity, the state of – [or janabah] Q85 :Could you please advise whether it is obligatory to remove the state of ceremonial impurity immediately after one gets into it. This becomes extremely difficult in the case of newly weds or for any person who has involuntary urine discharge. A85 : The state of ceremonial…

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Celebrations and commemorations Q84 :Some people celebrate certain anniversaries, such as the birthday of a child or death of a relative. What I would like to know is whether such celebrations are acceptable or not from Islamic point of view. I may add that when death anniversaries are marked they often include certain activities such…

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Carrion: Forbidden to eat – but … Q83 :The ingredients shown on some European types of cheese show rennet as one of them. This is taken from a calf’s stomach and used in the making of cheese for thickening and compacting. I wonder whether such cheese is permissible to eat for Muslims because, mostly, the…

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