
Dower: Death of spouse Q177 :Could you please explain what happens to the dower if it remains unpaid until the husband dies. In my home country, it is customary that the woman declares to the deceased husband at the time when his body is taken for burial that she forgives him and forfeits her dower.…

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Donations for building mosques Q176 :The mosque in our locality is being rebuilt, but much of the money is received as donations from rich people who acquired their wealth through cheating the government and bribery. What is the Islamic point of view in this matter? Can one stay away from such a mosque and pray…

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Dogs: Using guard dogs Q175 :In order to minimize pilferage and theft in my small farm in my country, I have domesticated a couple of dogs which we keep away from home. Some of my friends, however, have criticized me. They say that as Muslims we cannot have dogs near to us. I am worried…

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Divorce: Whimsical divorce Q174 :May I put to you the case of a husband who was sitting on his desk with pen and paper, writing all sorts of nonsense. Following a sudden whim, he wrote on a piece of paper, “I divorce so and so (writing the name of his wife) three times.” He went…

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Divorce: When a three-time divorce is binding Q173 :1. Many of us felt a great relief when we read your reply, explaining that a divorce pronounced three or more times in one session is counted as one revocable divorce. The relief comes from the fact that it is common practice in our part of the…

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Divorce: Shortly after marriage Q172 :One of our friends married a girl with a university degree. They have barely lived three months together when she went back to stay in her parents’ home. She has been living with them for more than a year now, stating that she wants a divorce. Her husband, who seems…

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Divorce: Offered for neglect of prayers Q171 :I often have to force my wife to attend to her prayers, but she still neglects to do so. Will it be right if I offer her divorce? A171 : If your wife rejects prayer altogether and denies that it is an Islamic duty, then she cannot continue…

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Divorce: The prohibition of the oath of desertion Q170 :The prohibition of the oath of desertion A170 : One of the aspects of Islam’s concern for the rights of women is that it prohibits a man to be so angry with his wife as to discontinue sexual relations with her for a period which she…

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Divorce: The prohibition of ill-treatment to elicit divorce Q169 :The prohibition of ill-treatment to elicit divorce A169 : It is haram for the husband to torment and mis-treat his wife in order to compel her to seek a divorce so that she will return to him all or part of the property he has given…

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Divorce: The woman’s right to demand divorce Q168 :The woman’s right to demand divorce A168 : The woman who cannot bear to live with her husband has the right to free herself from the marriage bond by returning to her husband the mahr (required marriage gift) and gifts he has given her, or more or…

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