
Fiqh rulings on “land of war” or “dar-ul-harb” Q222 :Some people are happy to resort to certain action which are clearly against the law of the land, justifying what they do by claiming that they live in the “land of war” or “dar-ul-harb.” This is particularly worrying in a place like India, where the Muslims…

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Financial practices and tailored support from Islam Q221 :I used to support a regular amount of money to a bank in my home country and the bank added to it a commission on a regular basis. Had I retained all the amounts with me and transferred them now, I would have got much more in…

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Fatimah: What distinguishes Fatimah from other women Q220 :In my country, some people claim that Lady Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a special woman. When she was born, the Prophet Moses’ sister and Pharaoh’s wife as well as Lady Mary, mother of the Prophet Jesus, attended her birth…

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Fatihah: Traditions after death Q219 :On third, seventh, [tenth] fifteenth or fortieth days of the death of a person, some sort of gathering is held and passages of the Qur’an are recited and meals served. When you explain to the people that such gatherings are not part of the teachings of Islam, they ask why…

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Fatihah: A ritual on the first Thursday of the new moon Q218 :In my home country there are many people who do not follow Islam or fulfill its major duties, such as prayer. Instead, they attend graveyards and visit the tombs of some religious personalities, asking for their help. They do not miss performing “fatihah”…

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Father’s property Q217 :My father has four sons and he wants to divide his property through a sale deed among his three sons, giving no share to his eldest son, for the following reasons: A217 : My elder brother has never contributed to the family finances, nor has he ever undertaken any responsibilities with respect…

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Father’s prolonged absence from home and the growing children Q216 :I have been working in Saudi Arabia since 1980, having left my wife and children at home. All my four sons are grown up and pursuing higher studies. I have been encouraging them to seek more education so that they have the right opportunity to…

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Fasting : Use of miswak or brushing teeth during fasting Q215 :Fasting : Use of miswak or brushing teeth during fasting A215 : A miswak is a short stick which is taken from the branches of a particular tree, known as ‘araak’. When the outer skin is removed it can be used as a toothbrush.…

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Fasting: Tasting food while fasting Q214 :I have read that a fasting woman is allowed to taste the food that she cooks for her husband if he is of the type who gets very angry if the taste is not right. If this is true, is it permissible for a fasting mother to taste the…

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Fasting: Swimming while fasting Q213 :Is it permissible for a fasting person to have a bath or to swim in a pool or river where there is a chance of water entering his ear or nose, etc.? A213 : If you are asked to define Islamic fasting, you are likely to say that it is…

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