
Fasting: And the willful violation Q202 :What is the compensation required of a person who spoils his fasting in Ramadan by having sex with his wife during the day. A202 : To have sexual intercourse with one’s wife during a day of Ramadan is a very serious offense indeed. The compensation is proportionate to the…

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Fasting: And the use of eardrops or eyedrops Q201 :Fasting: And the use of eardrops or eyedrops A201 : Some scholars still suggest that the use of eyedrops or eardrops invalidates fasting, since, they claim, the liquid used will eventually reach the stomach. That is a view which cannot be supported by any clear evidence.…

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Fasting: And the state of janabah. Q200 :You have mentioned last year that a person in the state of janabah may fast, even if he delays having his grand ablution until after dawn break. Is it true that a fasting person must have his grand ablution not later than midday? A200 : You have quoted…

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Fasting: About concession of not fasting Q199 :At times, I get very severe pain in my neck which needs analgesic tablets to relieve because I suffer from cervical spondylitis. It happened once or twice in the month of Ramadan that the pain was so severe that I could not bear it any longer and broke…

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Fashion and distortion of concepts, values Q198 :”Children of Adam, dress well when you attend any place or worship. Eat and drink but do not be wasteful. Surely He does not love the wasteful. Say, who has forbidden the adornment Allah has produced for His servants, and the wholesome means of sustenance? Say, in the…

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Fardh [Obligation]: What is obligatory and what is voluntary? Q197 :In a previous article, you said that a prayer is complete if only the obligatory part has been offered. In my part of the world, most people and many scholars say that unless all Sunnah prayers are offered together with the obligatory part, then that…

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Fardh – the basic definition of Q196 :Fardh – the basic definition of A196 : That is fardh which Allah has made obligatory for everyone of us, such as prayers, fasting, zakah and pilgrimage. Reward is earned by fulfilling a fardh and punishment is incurred by omitting it. Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News…

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Falling in love Q195 :What is the Islamic view concerning falling in love? A195 : If we are speaking about the emotion which we call love, then we are simply speaking of a feeling. What we feel toward a particular person is not of great importance, until our feeling is expressed in a particular action.…

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Faith? Q194 :Faith? A194 : The Prophet says : “It is a belief that is deeply entrenched in one’s heart and to which credence is given by action.” Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )

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