
Husband’s long absence from home Q264 :I have been working in Saudi Arabia for the last five years. According to the terms of my contract, I am entitled to a one month vacation and a ticket every two years. My company stipulates that I cannot bring in my family. Therefore my wife stays home. I…

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Husband & wife: Rights and duties Q263 :Could you please explain the rights and duties of a married couple. How does Islam view a situation where a woman is unwilling to do what her husband says, but she follows what her parents say? Can a woman stay in her parents’ home in the case of…

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Hunting birds and their slaughtering Q262 :Is it permissible to hunt pigeons to eat? Which birds are forbidden to eat? What if the bird dies as a result of the shot and before the hunter is able to slaughter it? A262 : It is perfectly permissible to hunt and shoot birds to eat. There is…

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Hunger for food and sex Q261 :God has implanted in human beings two types of hunger: the first and stronger is that which is satisfied with food, and the other is the hunger for sex. It is most difficult to avoid these physical needs and natural tendencies. In any circumstances, living creatures will find a…

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Humanitarian duties Q260 :We Muslims seem to take lightly our duties toward other people. Hence, our humanitarian feelings are very low. Is this because our education system tends to mix up our list of priorities? Some of the responsibility should be placed on our parents. Many of us seem to be forgetting that to be…

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Human rights in Islam Q259 :Could you please explain about human rights and how they are viewed in Islam. A259 : Whatever advancement has been made by human civilization with regard to man’s role and position in this life, you will find it well established before it was even contemplated by reformers anywhere outside the…

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Hour of Doom Q258 :I have read two Hadiths in a book, but their full text is not given. I wonder whether you could mention where I could find them in their full texts. The first speaks of the end of the world and that it is preceded by a fight between two groups claiming…

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Horse breeding for races Q257 :In India, the only type of sport gambling which is allowed by the law is that of horse racing. Owners of horses which run in races are paid a fixed rate of stake money, which is determined before the season and does not change whether a horse wins or loses.…

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Holier-than-thou attitude Q256 :Holier-than-thou attitude A256 : Islam teaches us to be modest about what we do or achieve. If you read the works of great Islamic scholars, you always find a sense of modesty running through their writings. Great scholars like the founders of the four major schools of thought have advised their students…

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Hoarding and storage for off-season sale Q255 :When a certain commodity is in season, it is available in large quantities and at cheap prices. Later, when the supply decreases, the price increases. This is normally a gradual process. Some businessmen buy large quantities of crops and commodities when they are in high season and store…

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