
Intentions: Matters are left to the clear intention Q286 :Intentions: Matters are left to the clear intention A286 : The fact that a person who is so hungry that he fears for his life is allowed to eat even forbidden types of food only shows that Islam asks for what is easy, and always gives…

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Insurance: Do I renew my car insurance? Q285 :I believe that all Islamic legislation are perfect and must be obeyed. Also I believe in predestination. I have no doubt that no individual or group of people can cause me any damage unless Allah so wishes. Within this framework, I have been wondering recently on the…

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Insurance: Claims Q284 :Is it permissible to claim the cost of car repairs, which have resulted from a road accident, under an insurance policy? How much should one claim: the cost of the repairs or the premium paid? A284 : I have recently explained that insurance is permissible, because it safeguards the interests of people…

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Insurance: A review on legitimacy of general and life insurance Q283 :Insurance: A review on legitimacy of general and life insurance A283 : Quite some time back, I wrote an answer encouraging a reader to stop his life insurance policy. Two persons working in the field of insurance for a number of years have provided…

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Insulting a religious book Q282 :Is a Muslim liable to punishment if he tears off the Bible during a quarrel with Christians? A282 : A Muslim is required to treat the followers of other religion with respect. Although he does not agree with their practices or with their concepts, he must keep that disagreement within…

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Innovations and voluntary worship Q281 :We are told that voluntary worship wins us great rewards from Allah. On the other hand, we are repeatedly warned against innovations that lead us to hell. Any voluntary worship is not obligatory and therefore, shall I say, an undefined worship. How does one differentiate between innovation and voluntary worship?…

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Inheritance: Young children’s inheritance Q280 :Inheritance: Young children’s inheritance A280 : If in a Muslim family, a man died at a young age, leaving behind minor children and his father has survived him – the question is whether the minor children will have any claim over the property of their grand father ( the father…

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Inheritance: When there is no son Q279 :A man died leaving behind his wife, five daughters, and one brother who has two sons. How will his property be divided among them? A279 : The first thing to be paid out of the estate of the deceased is the settlement of any debts he might have…

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Inheritance: Undutiful son and his inheritance Q278 :1. A relative of mine has one son by his first wife and two more as well as four daughters by his second wife. Relations between the first son and his stepmother were not very good all the time. As he was managing his father’s properties, he moved…

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Inheritance: Rules ensuring a nearest male beneficiary Q277 :A married couple who have five daughters, but no son, are confused about how their property should be divided in order to ensure that their children are the only beneficiaries. As the things stand, some portion of their property will automatically go to their nephews. Is there…

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