
Inheritance: Of a woman’s property Q276 :How is a deceased woman’s property divided among her heirs, if she has left behind her husband, children, brothers and sisters as well as her parents? A276 : Each one of the deceased woman’s parents receives one sixth of her property. Her husband inherits one quarter, since she has…

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Inheritance: By an illegitimate child Q275 :If a child is conceived before marriage, is he entitled to share of his father’s inheritance when the father dies? If so, will this be on the same level as the shares of his brothers and sisters born after marriage? A275 : As you realize, all sexual contact outside…

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Inheritance: And the ‘will’. Q274 :Inheritance: And the ‘will’. A274 : Islam has a detailed system of inheritance, which specifies shares for each heir. The system caters for all situations and the details of each heir’s share is outlined in the Qur’an. The will is the provision which allows a Muslim to leave a portion…

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Inheritance: A complicated question of inheritance Q273 :When my father-in-law died, he left behind two wives, one of them non-Muslim with one son and one daughter. He also had two sons and three daughters by his second Muslim wife. His second wife bought a house and registered it in her name after his death. She…

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In-laws and the women’s dress code Q272 :Could you please explain the importance of purdah in Islam. What is the ruling concerning the purdah in the case of aunts, cousin-sisters and sisters-in-law? Does their married status make any difference as to how they should appear? People seem to have different view, but what is the…

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Q271 Imams: the Four Imams Q271 :Imams: the Four Imams A271 : In chronological order, Imam Malik ibn Anas lived in Madinah most of his life. His grandfather was a companion of the Prophet. Imam Abu Hanifah was called Al-Nu’man ibn Thabit. He was of Persian origin, but lived in Iraq. Imam El-Shaf’ie was born…

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Illness preventing a good action Q270 :Illness preventing a good action A270 : If a person is in the habit of doing something good and finds his illness preventing him from continuing with it, Allah credits him with the reward for that habitual good action as if he had performed it. The Prophet says: “Whoever…

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Illegitimate child Q269 :If a couple begets a child illegitimately, what is to be done? A269 : In a state in which Islamic law is applied, the pregnancy of an unmarried woman is an undeniable evidence of adultery [unless a case of rape has earlier been reported by the woman] which is punishable in Islam.…

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Ihraam: Covering of right arm Q268 :In Umrah, we forgot to uncover our right shoulder during the sa’ie between As-Safa and Al-Marwah, but we recognized our mistake later on and did what was necessary. Do we need to compensate in any way? What about the compensation for a pilgrim who goes about his sa’ie and…

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Ihraam: Covering of head Q267 :Last year I went to pilgrimage. During Ihraam, I unintentionally covered my head for a few moments on two separate occasions. I am told that I need to sacrifice a sheep in compensation. Is this true? A267 : It is one of the conditions of Ihraam for a man not…

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