
Mut’ah: Limited Marriage Q400 :Mut’ah: Limited Marriage A400 : In a recent discussion with friends, it was mentioned that a marriage known as “mut’ah” was permitted at the Prophet’s time. It was later prohibited by the second or third caliph. Similarly, an addition to the call to prayer for Fajr was made in the words…

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Mustahabb: Basic definition of Q399 :Mustahabb: Basic definition of A399 : That which is mustahabb is something which we are encouraged to do. Like sunnah and nafl, it earns a reward and its omission incurs no punishment. Nor are we questioned about its omission, since it has not been particularly stressed that we should do…

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Muslims boycotting each other Q398 :Muslims boycotting each other A398 : The Prophet says : “Do not hate each other and do not envy one another, and do not turn your back on each other. Servants of Allah, be always brothers. It is not lawful for anyone to boycott his brother for over three nights.…

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Mu’min: Who is a Muslim & who is a Mu’min (believer)? Q397 :There are many references in the Qur’an to Muslims and to Mu’mins, or believers. What is the difference between the two? A397 : The two terms are used frequently in the Qur’an, often interchangeable, but at other times with clearly different senses. We…

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Mothers: Is Heaven under their feet? Q396 :Islam stresses the position of the parents and that they must always be treated with respect. Is it true that heaven is under the feet of mothers and that if a mother is alive she can protect us from punishment by God with her day and night supplication…

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Mosques: When a person goes into a mosque Q395 :When a person goes into a mosque after hearing the call to prayer, should he pray first the sunnah or the two raka’hs recommended as greeting to the mosque? A395 : When you enter the mosque to offer an obligatory prayer, whether shortly after the call…

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Mosques: Using different mosques for different prayers Q394 :Sometime ago, a friend told me that it is recommended to use different mosques for different prayers, if that is manageable. More recently, another friend told me that there is no such recommendation. Please explain. A394 : Using different mosques in your locality makes it easier for…

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Mosques: Preference of one over the other Q393 :A group of us were going in a car to a certain mosque. One of us asked to be dropped to another mosque on the way. Another objected and said that we are not allowed to proceed from one mosque to another. We should all go to…

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Mosques: As touring sites Q392 :In some Muslim countries, historical mosques are visited by tourists as part of their sight-seeing tours. I wonder whether this is permissible? A392 : You are right to question this and I understand your concern. However, the only two mosques which non-Muslims are not allowed to enter are the Haram…

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Mosques: A mosque over a graveyard Q391 :When I went to my home country on vacation, I observed that a grand mosque was built on top of a graveyard. There is still a tomb below the mosque. I wonder whether this is appropriate. If not, what should be done about this mosque? A391 : The…

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