
Marriage: Interfaith marriages – Complications in Q350 :Some eight years ago I married a Christian woman who declared before our marriage that she has become a Muslim. Now she wants to return to her original religion. She did not at all pray according to Islamic way after our marriage. I always tried to see her…

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Marriage in secret Q349 :When I was on my home leave last year, I ran away with a woman and arranged for our marriage to be performed in a friend’s house, who acted as her guardian. What prompted us to do so was that she was being forced by her parents to marry someone she…

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Marriage: Hanging in the balance Q348 :The marriage contract of a 17 year old girl was arranged a few years ago. Her husband was working abroad and a delay in the consummation of marriage took place. Later, the man and his family moved to a foreign country, without even communicating to the girl’s family of…

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Marriage: Exchange marriages Q347 :I got married two years ago on the basis of exchange marriage. This was against the wishes of my brothers and parents. I am afraid my marriage has not gone well at all. I recently read that this type of exchange marriage is not liked by Allah. Is this true? If…

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Marriage: Dower & other payments Q346 :1. You have spoken earlier on dower and dowry stating that Islam approves only of the first which means a payment by the man to his prospective wife. May I say that, contrary to what you have implied, this is the practice followed in most parts of the Indian…

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Marriage: Arranged marriages and personal choices Q345 :Are only arranged marriages permissible in Islam? What does Islam say about prospective couples falling in love before they agree to marry? This is indeed what happens in most cases in my country. A345 : When we speak of what sort of marriage is permitted in Islam, we…

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Marriage: Among relatives Q344 :Scientifically speaking, consanguineous marriages, i.e. marriages between first cousins, tend to cause biological complications for children. How does Islam view such marriages? A344 : Islam permits marriage between first cousins. If you read the Qur’anic verses which enumerate women to whom a Muslim cannot be married, you will find that this…

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Marriage: Age disparity Q343 :Some old men in their seventies marry young girls who are still in their early twenties or younger. Do you think that there is some injustice done to such young women? Is there any remedy to such a situation? A343 : There is certainly much injustice if the girl is forced…

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Marriage: A simple marriage Q342 :I intend to get married and my parents are trying to arrange that for me. My desire is to have my marriage conducted in the simple Islamic way. How should I go about it? A342 : It is highly commendable that you wish your marriage to be free from all…

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Marriage: A chosen practice of the Prophet & those who do not marry Q341 :I know a Hadith which states clearly that marriage is part of the Sunnah of the Prophet and whoever turns away from the Sunnah does not belong to him. In our country, a well-known person who works hard for the implementation…

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