
Man: Is man the noblest creature? Q340 :We are called the noblest of all creatures, but we are the most cruel creatures on earth and we indulge in ruthless criminal activities. Indeed, the atrocities committed by man are worse than anything any animal can do. In what respect, then, are we the best creatures? A340…

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Making things too difficult Q339 :May I ask how did Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) wear his beard and mustaches? Was it U or V shape? Or did it cover only his chin? Is there any minimum or maximum limit to the length of a beard? A339 : May I begin by reminding you…

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Mahrook – the basic definition of Q338 :Mahrook – the basic definition of A338 : That which is mahrook is an action which can be described as reprehensible or detestable. If a person resists temptation to do something of this sort, he earns a reward. Its commission, however, is not punishable but a person may…

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Loving one’s children: The right way Q337 :I have deep and profound love for my wife and children. I always remember them. Does this mean that my love for them exceeds my love of God? What is your verdict? A337 : I do not know. How can I tell? It is only you who can…

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Love for Allah’s sake Q336 :Can a woman love a man for Allah’s sake, as it is mentioned in a Hadith that a man can love a man or a woman [can love] another woman for Allah’s sake? A336 : In an authentic Hadith, the Prophet lists seven people who will “enjoy Allah’s shelter on…

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Lotteries Q335 :Is it permissible for a Muslim to take part in the big lotteries which offer very high prizes, amounting to millions of dollars? A335 : When you look at Islamic legislation, you realize that the ways in which one person can take the money of another are very limited indeed. They include trade,…

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Loans and inflation Q334 :I refer to what you have published in your column some time ago and I agree that an individual should not receive profit from lending money to a fellow human being. But I also believe that a lender should not come to any harm as a result of helping a person…

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Life, man and the universe Q333 :In a recent discussion with a number of non-Muslim colleagues, certain questions were raised on which I hope you can provide us with some information. How did life begin? What is the original substance of life? How and when was man made? How was the universe formed? What is…

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Life, its sufferings and the Hereafter Q332 :I feel very much depressed over what is happening in the world. It is hard to realize that nearly one billion people do not get enough to eat. Some enjoy too much luxury while others starve to death. What is the purpose of existence if so many of…

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Life span and predestination Q331 :May I take issue with you regarding an answer you had given concerning observation that life expectancy is much higher in Europe than it is in Muslim countries. In your answer you said that lifestyle is responsible for such differences. This is not true because it is reported in a…

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