
Noah’s ark Q408 :How big was Prophet Noah’s ark in order to accommodate samples of all species? How could it carry pairs of all types of creatures from all over the world? A408 : The divine instruction to Prophet Noah was to carry on the ark a pair of every species. Certainly the Prophet Noah…

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Neckties in prayer Q407 :Some of my friends maintain that it is forbidden to wear a necktie, particularly in prayer. Is it true? A407 : No, that is not true. I know that this sort of thing is frequently said, and that some people suggest that the original idea of wearing a necktie was that…

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Necklace with Arabic writing Q406 :I have just come back from Malaysia where some ladies informed me on seeing my necklace which bears my name in Arabic, that they were told not to wear theirs because Arabic is the language of the Qur’an. Wearing such a necklace with Arabic writing and then going about to…

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Natural disasters: Are they punishment or “ghazab” ? Q405 :Can we say that frequent occurrences of natural disasters such as floods and cyclones are manifestations of Allah’s anger with some people and He punishes them with these disasters? As it is understood from the Qur’an, when Allah chooses to inflict a collective punishment on some…

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Nationalism: Muslim fighting for his non-Muslim country Q404 :Does Islam believe in nationalism? If a Muslim serves in the army of his non-Muslim country, and a war breaks out between his country and a Muslim state, will he be considered a martyr if he fights and dies for his country? A404 : A Muslim only…

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NASA – the United States Space Agency Q403 :The United States Space Agency, NASA, speaks of extra-terrestrial life which may be encountered away from our universe. Is this true? What does Islam say about life in outer space? A403 : What space programs are speaking about at the present stage is exploration of the solar…

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Names of children, and when a change becomes necessary Q402 :My 13-year-old daughter’s name, Julisha, has been criticized by our neighbors as being a Christian name. This has caused her much worry. Is it essential to change it according to Islam? A402 : The Prophet did not change the name of any of his companions…

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Nafl: Basic definition of Q401 : A401 : A Nafl is an act of worship done because it has been suggested to us by the Prophet and practiced by him on one or two occasions. [Added: It earns a reward and its omission does not incur any punishment.] Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News…

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