
Purification from madi Q531 :Is it true that splashing water is all that is needed to obtain purification from madi? A531 : Madi is one of the fluids a man may discharge. All such fluids, with the exception of semen, have the same treatment as urine. They are impure and the place at which they…

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Punishment: In the Hereafter Q530 :Who will get more punishment in the hereafter: A person who has studied the Qur’an but does not follow its teachings or the one who is totally ignorant of it? A530 : I simply do not know what answer to give you. It is not for me or any human…

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Punishment: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth Q529 :”Indeed, We did reveal the Torah, containing guidance and light. By it did the prophets, who had surrendered themselves to Allah, judge among the Jews, and so did the divines and the rabbis; they gave judgment in accordance with what had been entrusted…

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Prostration related to reading Qur’an Q528 :It is well known that prayer is discouraged after one has offered the obligatory prayer of Asr, until the sun has set, and after one has prayed Fajr until the sun has gained some height in the sky. If a person is reciting a passage of the Qur’an at…

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Prostration or ‘sujood’ after the prayer Q527 :After finishing my prayer and before leaving the mosque, I do a prostration during which I pray Allah for mercy and other things. Some people object. Please comment. A527 : Such a prostration, or sujood, is neither necessary nor recommended. We do a prostration of gratitude to Allah…

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Prostitution Q526 :What is the Islamic answer to prostitution? How can it be eradicated? A526 : As you realize, Islam has a very serious moral code. It does not approve of any sexual practices, outside marriage. Islamic legislation includes very severe punishments for adultery. To go to a prostitute earns the man the same severe…

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Prophets: Are they sinless? Q525 :A well-known concept says that prophets are sinless, but a tradition of the Prophet says that all human beings are sinners. Please comment. A525 : You speak of a well-known concept, but I do not know it. Speaking to the Prophet, Allah says in the Qur’an: “Know that there is…

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Prophet’s wives Q524 :Could you please explain how many wives the Prophet did actually marry and what were the reasons for his marriages. A524 : Lady Khadija and Lady Aisha were the best known of the Prophet’s wives. He married Lady Khadija when he was twenty five. Some reports put her age at the time…

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Prophet’s stools, urine and shadow Q523 :I have read in a book that the stools and urine of the Prophet were not impure. How far is this true? A523 : Some people tend to ascribe certain things which they consider as virtues to the Prophet, without having any sound basis for them. The point you…

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Prophet’s special privilege Q522 :How accurate is the report that wherever the Prophet went in daytime, a cloud overshadowed him, as well as angels, so that he did not feel the hot sun in the summer? A522 : The report about a cloud overshadowing the Prophet is mentioned in connection with the meeting between the…

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