
Pilgrimage: Tamattu’ method Q441 :My wife and I intend to do the pilgrimage, but she is too weak and cannot walk for a long distance. We are, Allah willing, going to do the pilgrimage in the tamattu’ method. So we want to offer the Umrah now and travel to Mina direct for pilgrimage. Is this…

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Pilgrimage: Substitute pilgrimage for a fiancee Q440 :I was engaged to a lady but she died before we got married. Some people tell me that I could not recite the Qur’an, do the pilgrimage or the Umrah on her behalf or give anything in charity either. Other people say that all this is permissible. Please…

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Pilgrimage: Some highly sinful practices Q439 :If a person has been guilty of some very serious offenses such as worshipping graves, attending death anniversaries of pirs and grand pirs, do these practices reflect on his faith? Suppose he offers pilgrimage, is he forgiven for his sins? Suppose he gives up these practices but is unable…

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Pilgrimage: Sacrifice through bank Q438 :Is it permissible to have the sacrifice required for pilgrimage through the bank as this facility has been offered over the last few years? It is said that release from ihraam cannot be done until the sacrifice has been offered. How would a pilgrim know that the sacrifice has actually…

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Pilgrimage: Repeated pilgrimage, repeated sins Q437 :Pilgrimage: Repeated pilgrimage, repeated sins A437 : The main and clear aspect of pilgrimage is that we hasten to respond to Allah’s call, wearing nothing of the ornaments which are part of our custom. When we feel our dedication in this way and when our submission is truly genuine,…

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Pilgrimage: On behalf of those enjoying good health Q436 :What does Islam say about those who perform Umrah on behalf of their relatives who are enjoying good health in their own country? Is it permissible? A436 : Doing the substitute pilgrimage or Umrah is allowed in order to give a chance to those who are…

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Pilgrimage: On behalf of others, the order of preference Q435 :My father-in-law is very old and physically too weak to undertake the pilgrimage himself from India. He has requested me to perform the pilgrimage on his behalf and he will meet the expenses. Is this permissible? May I add that I lost both my parents…

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Pilgrimage: Left unfinished Q434 :A friend of mine came to Makkah on the first day of Thul-Hajjah and started Umrah. He then fell sick and his condition deteriorated and did not respond to medication. Four days later, when his temperature was still too high, he was advised that it would be wrong if he went…

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Pilgrimage: Inability to bear heat of summer Q433 :A relative who is in his sixties has asked me to perform the pilgrimage on his behalf. Although he is quite healthy and capable of looking after himself in every way, he feels unable to bear the heat of the summer. He says that he gets weak…

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Pilgrimage: How to do the tawaf? Q432 :Could you please explain how tawaf should be done and what is permissible or required during tawaf? May I also ask in particular about the practice of people who lift their hands to greet the Ka’aba as they first see it when they enter the Mosque. A432 :…

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