
Prophet’s intercession on the day of judgment Q521 :People back home maintain that the Prophet’s intercession on their behalf on the day of judgment will land them in heaven. Please comment. A521 : People should rely only on their own good actions and avoidance of what is forbidden. If their actions are good, then they…

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Prophet’s incision by angels Q520 :Is it true that the Prophet had four operations conducted by angels to remove all negative things from him and to replace them with elements of justice, humanity and love? A520 : I do not know about four operations done to the Prophet by angels. There is a very well-known…

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Prophet’s hair and its reverence Q519 :I have seen in some houses and mosques in India and Pakistan hairs which are said to be from the beard of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). One hair is preserved in a decorative bottle with a glass top. It is displayed on a certain day every year,…

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Prophet’s Companions Q518 :The companions of the Prophet have been praised in the Qur’an and by the Prophet for their glorious deeds in support of the message of Islam. When a Muslim mentions any of the companions of the Prophet, he is supposed to pray for them that Allah may be pleased with them. In…

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Prophet’s birthday celebrations Q517 :My uncle has a large number of followers. Every month, he performs a celebration of the Prophet’s birthday when he feeds the poor with money he collects from his followers. He recently asked me to make a hut for him in the graveyard where he lives alone. He also asked me…

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Prophet’s Ascension to heaven: From a futuristic point of view Q516 :Recently I came across a book by Maudoodi in which Prophet’s night journey from Makkah to Jerusalem and his Ascension from there to heaven is viewed in ordinary political terms. It is likened to a king summoning one of his state governors to an…

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Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): An ‘ordinary’ human being? Q515 :You have emphasized on several occasions that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was an ordinary human being. It is well known that a person who accomplishes some extraordinary things is himself extraordinary. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) received revelations from Allah, sent…

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Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): A perfect human being Q514 :You have emphasized on several occasions that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was an ordinary human being. It is well known that a person who accomplishes some extraordinary things is himself extraordinary. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) received revelations from Allah, went…

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Prophecies and the end of the world Q513 :All famous religious traditions speak of a great earthquake that follows a great war. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gives a unique prophecy in the sense that he spoke of the earth reversing its axis and rotation (refer to Al-Bukhari 7121). Is there any other…

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Property bought on installments Q512 :I intend to buy a house in my native place, paying 50 percent of the value to start with, and paying the balance by monthly installments. This will inevitably increase the price. However, it is the only way I can manage to have a house of my own. Is there…

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