
Promises [for marriage] broken Q511 :How to achieve forgiveness for unfulfilled promises? Let me give the example of a man who promises a girl to marry her but was unable to do so due to the firm opposition by his parents. How should he compensate that girl? A511 : To start with, a Muslim should…

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Prohibition and permissibility Q510 :Prohibition and permissibility A510 : In Islam, question of permissibility and prohibition is closely related to the more important feeling of being conscious of Allah and fearing Him. It is the pivot round which every intention and every action in the life of a believer turns. Thus, it transforms human life…

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Profits offered by a leading Islamic publishing company Q509 :A leading Islamic publishing company in a Muslim country accepts deposits from member of the public and pays the depositor a monthly profit at a fixed rate. It adds a condition that if the depositor withdraws his money, he has to give one month’s notice when…

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Priorities Q508 :It is stated that jihad, the holy war, is one action which earns the highest reward from Allah. Please comment. A508 : If we were to ask people where do they place jihad for Allah’s cause in their list of virtuous actions, most of them will undoubtedly place it at the very top.…

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Pride: Q507 :Pride: A507 : The Prophet equated pride with associating partners with Allah. So his companions were naturally curious to know what constituted pride. The Prophet’s definition was :” Ignoring the truth and denying people their right. ” Our Dialogue ( Source : Arab News – Jeddah )

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Pressure and seductive temptation Q506 :A friend of mine back home has written to me about a problem he is facing. A woman who has a highly influential position has been pressing him to have an illegitimate relationship with her, threatening that his refusal will bring him considerable problems in his job. I have counseled…

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Pregnancy: Shortest possible duration Q505 :I was married to a girl who became a Muslim a few days before our marriage. My parents sent her back when she gave birth only six months after our marriage. Doctors suggest that the baby is not mine, as it is fully matured, weighing 2.5 kg. I am told…

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Predetermination: Course in life changed at last minute Q504 :The last verse of the short surah entitled The Earthquake states “that whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it (on the day of judgment) and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it then.” To my mind, this suggests a fair…

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Predetermination: Can human beings avoid what is predetermined? Q503 :When something unfortunate happens, most people say that it has been impossible to prevent it, because what is written cannot be changed. May I ask whether Muslims generally are afraid to accept the blame for their mistakes? We believe that giving life and taking it away…

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Predetermination and accountability Q502 :Is it true that Allah determines the fate of a person when he is still in the womb? How about people who disobey Allah: Is it His intention for them to be disobedient? A502 : As you are well aware, we are accountable to Allah for what we do in this…

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