
Prayers: Women’s praying method Q501 :Could you please let me know what differences there are between the prayers of a man and a woman. A501 : Muslim men and women are required to offer five obligatory prayers everyday in the same way and with the same requirements. There are a few differences between men and…

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Prayers: Women’s makeup Q500 :Some of the substances which a woman uses as part of her makeup, such as perfume, hair spray, anti-deodorants and facial and body powder may contain alcohol. What should she do, if she wants to offer her prayer? Some women pray wearing their full make up, including lipstick. How far is…

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Prayers: Women covering head during prayer Q499 :Why do women have to cover their heads during prayer, recitation of the Qur’an or listening to it? A499 : It is important to understand that there is a part of the body of every human being which must be covered so that it may not be seen…

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Prayers: With shoes on Q498 :I saw some people, sportsmen and soldiers, offering their prayers in mosque without taking off their shoes. Is it permissible? A498 : Yes, it is. The only condition is that which applies to whatever we wear when we pray, namely, that it has not been contaminated with impurity. This means…

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Prayers: With hope that wishes are fulfilled Q497 :We wonder at times whether our prayers will ever be answered. We may face a problem, endure an illness, contend with difficulty or suffer an injustice. We take whatever measures available to us to overcome the problem, correct the injustice or get proper medical treatment. But that…

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Prayers: With closed eyes Q496 :I am in habit of closing my eyes when I pray, because this helps me concentrate better on my prayers. However, I was told that this is discouraged by the Prophet as it was a practice by the Jews. Is it correct? A496 : It is true that closing one’s…

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Prayers: Voluntary prayer before Maghrib Q495 :Is voluntary prayer permitted before Maghrib? How about the prayer known as greeting to the mosque, if we enter a mosque at a Maghrib time? A495 : To offer a voluntary prayer at the time when the sun is setting is discouraged. But Maghrib does not fall due until…

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Prayers: Use of a prayer mat Q494 :Some people pray at any place such as foot path, a courtyard or an open field. Some do not even use a prayer mat or any sheet of cloth or paper, although these places may not be all that clean. How far is this acceptable? A494 : Enumerating…

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Prayers: Two congregations in a mosque Q493 :In a mosque in our town, the followers of the Hanafi and Shaf’ie sects offer their prayers in two congregations, which are held separately but simultaneously, following two imams. Is this allowed? A493 : This is an ugly aspect of ignorance which must be stopped altogether. When a…

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Prayers: Towards Ka’aba – started by Jews or by Muslims? Q492 :Before the conquest of Makkah, Muslims used to pray toward Jerusalem and the Jews toward the Kaaba. Why did not Muslims start this earlier? A492 : Your statement about the change in the direction Muslims face in prayer is inaccurate. When the Prophet received…

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