Our Dialogue


Women: Position in society Q693 :Islam provides equal rights to men and women, but it is a fact of life that men dominate women. A woman must obey some men in all matters and she is never free to act according to her will. In young age, she lives in her father’s house, obeying him.…

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Women: Participation in public affairs Q692 :Just before the general elections that took place recently in a Muslim country, an Islamic group included in its manifesto a clear opposition to the candidacy of women and their standing for parliament. History tells us that Lady Aisha, the Prophet’s wife, led battles against the enemies of Islam.…

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Women: Muslim women in this twentieth century Q691 :How should a Muslim woman carry herself in this twentieth century when times and requirements have changed a great deal? Sometimes it is very difficult for a woman to adhere to Islamic standards, particularly when she is working in a non-Muslim country. Please comment. A691 : A…

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Women: Muslim women going out Q690 :Time and again readers have asked you how a Muslim woman should be dressed in public and your answer has always been that it is proper for her not to cover her face. My wife holds the opposite view. She has drawn my attention to a report by Lady…

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Women: Marriage – Which view is correct? Q689 :You have replied to many questions about marriage and divorce and dealt with many aspects of the problems faced by people. My question is about the case when a woman acts directly to get married to someone without the presence of her father or a guardian. As…

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Women: Marriage – an obligation? Q688 :Is it true that it is obligatory for a Muslim woman to get married and to have children? A688 : No, it is not obligatory that a Muslim woman should marry. Some women never get married although they would love to do so. Certain circumstances may interfere to prevent…

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Women: Marriage & the consent of parents Q687 :1. I have met a man whom I would like to marry, but my father is against this marriage. He says that the man I have chosen is poor and uneducated. I have answered him that the value of a man cannot be measured either by his…

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Woman: Kept as mother of children and not as wife Q686 :A man came home to find his wife lying on her bed, fully dressed, with a cousin of hers sitting on the bedside close to her. She assures him that nothing serious took place between her and her relative. She says she is prepared…

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Women: In politics – electioneering for position Q685 :Does Islam allow women to run in the elections for position in government or to hold political office? Perhaps, I do not need to add that contesting an election normally requires campaigning which involves addressing rallies and making speeches to mixed audiences. Is it also permissible for…

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Women: In politics – a general outlook Q684 :Women: In politics – a general outlook A684 : When we consider the life and needs of any family, it is easy to identify two main tasks which must be properly undertaken and fulfilled. These are the satisfaction of the immediate needs of the members of the…

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