
Qur’anic translations Q558 :Which translation of the Qur’an do you recommend? A558 : This is a very difficult question to answer. There are numerous translations of the Qur’an into English. None of them can be recommended without reservations. The one which has been widely used is that of Mr. Yousuf Ali. Its numerous footnotes are…

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Qur’anic reference to Arabs and Jews only Q557 :May I ask why Allah has sent down four different religious books and did not choose to send down only one book right at the beginning. That might have avoided all present conflict. May I also ask why there is much discussion about the Arabs and the…

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Qur’anic recitation: Wages for Q556 :For generations, my clan has held the position of mullah in our community. This title signifies “religious leaders.” Our function is to lead prayers in mosques, and religious functions and advise people on religious matters, etc. We do not receive any payment in cash or kind for these services. Sometime,…

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Qur’anic recitation in translation Q555 :If a man does not know how to read the Qur’an in Arabic, can it be read in English or Urdu or any other language? A555 : To read a translation of the meaning or the Qur’an is perfectly permissible. A Muslim who does not know Arabic should try to…

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Qur’anic orders: Compliance of Q554 :Are all words of the Qur’an obligatory? Are we committing a sin if we fail to act upon any single word in the Qur’an? A554 : We cannot speak of words as being obligatory or otherwise. [I suppose] what you mean is whether every order included in the Qur’an signifies…

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Qur’an: Transporting the Qur’an Q553 :I am leaving on vacation and I want to take a copy of the Qur’an with me. Is it appropriate to put it in my suitcase? A553 : What we are required to do when we carry copies of the Qur’an with us, whether for a short distance or traveling…

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Qur’an: Standardized translation Q552 :For fourteen centuries we have not been able to translate the Qur’an well enough. Differences of opinion still exist among scholars. There must be some standardized translation and standard interpretation of the Qur’an. Do you agree? A552 : In its original form in Arabic, the Qur’an is expressed in a fine,…

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Qur’an: Special importance of some surahs Q551 :The Qur’an is the complete code of living and the book of guidance. In order to implement its commandments, we need to read it carefully and understand the meaning of its verses and surahs. Many people, however, do not bother to try to understand it, but read it…

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Qur’an: Recitation without ablution Q550 :Is it permissible to recite the Qur’an or glorify Allah while lying in bed and without ablution? A550 : Allah describes His good servants who believe in Him as “those who remember Allah when they are standing, seated, or in a reclined position and meditate on the creation of the…

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Qur’an: Reading without purification Q549 :Can a woman read, or even touch the Qur’an when she is in periods – or can she recite from memory or use a bead for glorifying Allah? A549 : It is unanimously agreed by scholars that ablution (or wudhu), is strongly recommended for everyone who intends to recite the…

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