
Qur’an: Reading without ablution Q548 :Is it allowed to hold one’s copy of the Qur’an and read it without ablution? Is it permissible to put it close to where one sleeps? A548 : Whenever you wish to read the Qur’an or to glorify Allah, you are strongly recommended to have ablution. Indeed a Muslims is…

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Qur’an: Reading during monthly period Q547 :A Muslim lady teacher conducts Qur’anic classes in a mosque in Canada. She insists that it is appropriate to do so when she is in her monthly period. Is this correct? A547 : The view of the majority of scholars is that a woman in her menstruation and a…

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Qur’an: Reading and the acceptable pace Q546 :In a book I read that Umar, the companion of the Prophet, used to read the Qur’an once every night and Imam Al Shafie used to read it 60 times in the month of Ramadhan, making an average of twice a day. As a general rule, in how…

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Qur’an: Presenting copies to non-Muslims Q545 :Is it permissible to present a copy of the Qur’an to a non-Muslim? In this connection, what do the Verses 77-79 of Surah – 56 mean? Why did Umar’s sister insist that he performed ablution before she gave him the scroll of the surah entitled Taha, when he was…

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Qura’n: Present order of the Qur’an Q544 :The present order of the Qur’an is not according to its revelation. What was the reason for this? Was it done according to a particular directive by the Prophet? A544 : The Qur’an is Allah’s Book which He revealed to the Prophet through the Angel Gabriel. Everything that…

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Qur’an: Not a book of science Q543 :Would you kindly explain Verse 45 of Surah 24 and Verse 30 of Surah 21 and Verse 54 of Surah 25. In the translation of all these verses the translator, Mr. Yousuf Ali, suggests that Allah is telling us that He has created all living things from water.…

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Qur’an: Memorizing without understanding it Q542 :In many non-Arabic speaking parts of the Muslim world, you find people who memorize the Qur’an in full, but without understanding it. I know that one is rewarded for reciting the Qur’an, but the purpose of reading and memorizing is not served in this way. Please comment. A542 :…

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Qur’an: How should one dispose of sheets of the Qur’an? Q541 :Qur’an: How should one dispose of sheets of the Qur’an? A541 : What is forbidden in respect of the disposal of sheets of paper on which Qur’anic verses are written is any method which could lead to desecration of the Qur’an. Thus, if you…

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Qur’an: Following the Qur’an or something else Q540 :The Prophet is known to have said in his farewell speech: “I have left with you two things which ensure that you will never be in error if you hold fast to them: Allah’s revelations and my Sunnah.” Is it not true that this statement means that…

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Qur’an: As a cure Q539 :I believe that the Qur’an is most powerful and that it cures every kind of illness. I do not know, however, the surahs which should be used for curing illness. I wish to depend only on the Qur’an for the rest of my life. Could you please explain which surahs…

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