
Qur’an: Are certain parts of the Qur’an superior? Q538 :I am in the habit of reciting Surah 112 (Al-Ikhlas) often, but a scholar told me that approach was not the right one. He suggested that if I read this surah 1000 times at the same spot, I have actually sold my soul to Allah, which…

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Qur’an: Abandoning the Qur’an Q537 :Qur’an: Abandoning the Qur’an A537 : When Muslims broke their covenants with their Lord and abandoned the Qur’an, they suffered the set backs and calamities known to everyone. It is true that they continue to be enhanced with musical recitations of the Qur’an and may use it as charms, but…

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Qur’an: A surah not to be read frequently Q536 :An old man told me that one should not recite the surah entitled “A’bas” or “The frowning” very often. He gives the reason saying that the surah contains a reproach to the Prophet for having frowned on a blind man who came to him to seek…

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Qur’an or Hadith: Used to earn money Q535 :Some scholars in our region say that any person who uses the Qur’an or the Hadith to earn money will face severe punishment on the Day of Judgment. How far is this true? A535 : It depends on what sort of use the person concerned makes of…

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Qul ceremony Q534 :Apparently there is no authentic statement to suggest that the Prophet held the Qul ceremony on the third, tenth or fortieth day of the death of a person. Is there any harm in holding such a function, particularly since it encourages people to do something highly recommended, i.e. reading the Qur’an. A534…

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Qudsi Hadith Q533 :You often use the expression in your replies such as “Allah says” or “Allah says in a Qudsi Hadith”. Are these sayings a deduction by the Prophet from the Qur’anic injunctions? Please explain. A533 : The Prophet has attributed certain statements to Allah, although these are not included in the Qur’an. These…

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Qiblah: Why Jerusalem and then Makkah Q532 :A Christian friend of mine argues that the city of Jerusalem is to be preferred to Makkah, even by Muslims for two reasons: the fact that it was the first qiblah (direction of prayer) and that it was the place from where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon…

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