
Status of the Prophet’s family Q615 :What is the status of the members of the Prophet’s family? What has he said about their importance? May I also ask about the significance of the tragedy of Karbala in Islam? A615 : No special status is accorded to any human being other than Prophet Muhammad, Allah’s messenger…

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Status as the best community Q614 :Why do we, Muslims, always think that we are the best people on earth, whether we do well or badly. We believe as if heaven is waiting for us. Such an attitude is certainly not helpful in identifying our own faults. Please comment. A614 : There is a Qur’anic…

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Spouses: Relations with former spouses Q613 :Spouses: Relations with former spouses A613 : A woman is required to cover her body with the exception of her face and her palms in front of all men with the exception of her husband and close relative to whom she may not be married. She may appear in…

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Splitting of the moon Q612 :Is there any Hadith which states that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) pointed toward the moon and it was divided in two halves? It joined up again when he pointed toward it a second time. A612 : The splitting of the moon is mentioned in the Qur’an in…

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Spectrum of life Q611 :I have two Muslim friends with widely different views on the extent of Islamic concerns. One says that Islam is a complete way of life, that we have to follow Islamic guidance in all matters including the economic and political affairs. The other says that in such worldly matters, a Muslim…

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Souls: Persons who commit suicide or are murdered Q610 :A friend of mine asserts that the soul of a person who has committed suicide continues to ramble the earth until the original time of his death. Please comment. A610 : No one dies before his appointed time, no matter how he meets his death. To…

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Son of God: Jews’ claim for Uzair or Christians’ claim for Christ Q609 :According to the Qur’an, Christ was misunderstood by his followers because of his unique and unusual birth, so they said he was the son of God. But it is not clear how the Jews were mistaken in their belief that Ezra or…

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Society: Western society and the Eastern society Q608 :Is it correct to say that while Western society is bad in all respects, the Eastern society is good in every respect? If a person does in Western style something that is not prohibited in Islam, will his action constitute a sin? A608 : It is not…

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Social pressures Vs Islamic duties Q607 :Social and cultural pressures are such that women in our society do not cover their hair. Those who do, have been associated with trends imported from Iran. I have no wish that I or my wife be associated with any group or sect. Will I be less of a…

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Social behavior and respect for other people’s rights Q606 :In a Muslim society, we normally know how to pray and to do other acts of worship. We love to visit Makkah and Madinah, to read the Qur’an and we may also offer voluntary prayer and other types of worship. Seldom, however, do we care for…

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