
Sleeping in the mosque Q605 :Is it appropriate to stay in a mosque for a long time when one is not offering prayer or waiting for one? What confuses many of us is that people sometimes sleep in the mosque. A605 : If you go to a mosque you may stay as long as you…

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Skies in the Qur’anic context Q604 :The Qur’an speaks of the existence of seven skies or seven heavens, but where are they? Does the Qur’an refer to the billions of galaxies that exist in the universe? What do you say to what astronomers have mentioned about an asteroid which will hit the earth on August…

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Sins, repentance and forgiveness Q603 :If a person committed too many sins, including some of the cardinal ones such as stealing, cheating, gambling, & adultery, will he ever be forgiven by God? If he wants to become a good person, what compensations he has to make? A603 : What would stop him from being forgiven?…

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Sins and consequences Q602 :Could you please give some examples of cardinal sins in Islam. I had thought that actions could have only one of several rulings. Some people say that some sins are more serious than others. Could you please explain. A602 : There are five verdicts which could be pronounced on most things…

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Singing Q601 :I intend to study medicine in a European or American university, but I also have a strong desire to become a heavy metal singer or a pop singer. As I am a Muslim, I will not sing in clubs or discotheques. Nor will I drink or get involved in any of the practices…

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Silk: Men wearing material similar to silk Q600 :In the north eastern part of our sub-continent, people wear a particular type of clothing in winter woven from the thread made out of cocoon of a worm called Endi. The process of obtaining the thread is the same as that of obtaining silk thread from the…

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Shortening the hair after Umrah Q599 :Many people do not shave their heads at the conclusion of Umrah. Is this permissible? If one wants to offer more than one Umrah, how could he shave? A599 : It is sufficient to shorten one’s hair, or even to shorten a few hairs in order to fulfill the…

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Shortening prayers when only weekends spent at home Q598 :I have recently moved to Makkah where I found a new job. My family which includes my parents, brother and sister still live in Jeddah. I go to see them on weekends and holidays. When I do, I pray normally, but when I am in Makkah…

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Shiites and Sunnis Q597 :What are the differences between the two sects Shias and Sunnis? A597 : Linguistically speaking, the term Shia means followers or supporters. In a historical context, it means the supporters of Ali ibn Abu Talib, the Prophet’s cousin, who became the fourth ruler of the Muslim state. When he took over,…

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Shares and debentures: Income from Q596 :Companies normally issue to the public shares and debentures, with the aim of collecting funds to be invested in these companies and industries. When a person buys a number of these shares and debentures, he is an owner of a portion of the assets of the relevant company or…

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